Stuck at Level 60 and stopped leveling up

Game mode: | Singleplayer]
Problem: Performance | Misc] Bugs
Region: [USA]

Hello, I am stuck at Level 60 and stopped leveling up. 18,199,150/19,132,275. Have completed addl. Journey Steps and explored and discovered new locations. Tried everything to gain more XP as well. Not sure if level 60 is the max level in the game. Thanks
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Steps on how to reproduce issue:

The highest level is 60

Hello, ok and thanks for the info. Wish I would have known this before hitting max level 60. As I would have planned to use my knowledge “perk” points better. So I guess there is no way to gain anymore points to unlock the skill tree for more recipes. Thanks you

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There is the yellow lotus potion though, which lets you reset all feat+stat points. Plus there are two split up potions coming (one for feats, one for stats).

Hello, ok great and thanks for the info.

Yellow Lotus potion has a short expiration so only make 1 potion at a time and use it immediately. Keep a Yellow Lotus Blossom stockpile so you can make it as needed.

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oui c’est un mécanisme de base de ce jeu : utiliser les potions de lotus jaune pour réinitialiser vos capacités de profil selon l’armure que vous allez porter ou favoriser un profil constructeur ou un autre combattant suivant l’objectif de la journée .

So hoping there will be a way soon to gain a lot more perk points. Going thru the items I have left to unlock requires about 10-13 perk points to unlock each item, Such as shield framer, Hilt, improved Tanner, improved stove, and many other items left to be unlocked. All the Idols have addl. levels to unlock and improve etc. The game does not seem to have anyway to earn all the points you would need before max at level 60

I am also on the “fence” about getting the DLC Packs, as it seems to me you would need perk points to unlock and make the weapons and shield items as well. So then I would be stuck with no way to create them after paying for them.

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