I reached level 60, but I gained only 59 attribute points to spend

Basic Info:
Platform: Xbox Series X
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE-Conflict
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 2208

Bug Description:
I reached level 60, but I gained only 59 attribute points to spend. I’ve tried to drink the yellow lotus potion but the points are not reseting. Need help because I don’t want to reset the char and miss all the unlocked gifts following the journey path.

Bug Reproduction:
No cause noticed. I played following the journey path method.

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Did you have a point to spend way back at level 1?

Sorry, I didn’t understand what you mean. I can reset my attribute points using the bestial memory potion, but the character level remains at 60 and still have only 59 attribute points. I can use all the 59 points to attributes, but I can’t use them to level down to 1. Is that possible? How?
If you are suggesting to re-create the character, this is exactly what I’m not want to do.
Thanks for the reply and please let me know if I miss something that may help to fix this issue.

So there’s a reason. At level one (where you start) you don’t gain a point. Just level up :slight_smile:

Here’s the thing, that also happened to me a few time s that I tried to create a new character, the game always gave us 60 atributte points after Age of Sorcery, I’m pretty sure this is a bug that is happening to some people, because It’s very weird of their part if this is intencional since I haven’t seen any news or videos talking about this. So It’s most likely a bug.

This issue was reported before, several times afaik.

Maybe search the forums. Maybe somebody found a solution. I’d do that for you, but I’m too tired, frankly.