As a PAID player I would like to see Froob(s) at least be able to buy from the GMI. Bring back the $4.99 SL froob program. It was removed because the cost on credit card transactions, at least that what I was told by a GM many years ago. Please let it make sense to me, you can buy Funcom Points for 4.99 but you removed the SL 4.99 option years ago.
Lastly, I know I may get some hate on this one but limit Heckler Juice to one character per account. Since coming back I created an account. I had to mostly leveled SOLO* doing only missions with my Engineer. Created the account because at the time I didn’t have access to my old Gmail account that was associated with my 2001 account. Since then I managed to reclaim my email and reactivate my VERY first account. I would dual logged my Fixer and Engineer. Took longer and it some cases died a few times. I could rarely ever find a team. Then when I attempted to SL content I found it difficult to Solo, it is possible, just very hard. Sometimes I would team with a online friend that I have know since release. Recently convinced him to start playing again. He plays when all his RL duties are completed. Many of old timers grew up and have families to support, which contributes to the population decline. Limiting Heckler Juice would or could encourage more team play at lower levels.
I like the Funcom store but everything is a double edge sword. FC makes money from the store from subscriptions to item purchases. As a company I see the why it has been setup. Yes I’m a (hypocrite) and will be buying Heckler Juice for my Engineer as my character just hit 150 just grinding missions and some dailies. Along the way a few players helped me figure out all changes and there were many changes made. Without them I probably would have quit again or eventually figure it out. I salute all of you that assisted me, if you read the forums. I cannot thank them enough. Not many but except a few players such as myself that are Veterans that played since release will ever know the real struggles playing Anarchy Online. We would to be 90% close to hitting the next level and would lose ALL the experience gained. Close to Elden Ring game mechanics
If you read this to the end I commend you and thank you.
Since I never used Heckler Juice I did not read the description, and also failed to scroll down I noticed Heckler juice for different levels. In order to level to 200 you have purchase all of them for 99.99 USD. I’m still debating the pros and cons of using Heckler Juice. I have leveled 2.5 characters from 1 to 200 the hard way. Various other characters from level 1. Since the Shop provides the option and veteran players such as myself don’t particularly want to grind a new character to 200 and can financially fund such an endeavor I can see why someone would use it. The whole process is a double edge sword.
As someone who has bought the steam heckler bundle (resold cheap key) and earned the free sub reward heckler juice.
I can confirm you can only use 1 of each heckler juice per account not per character and if you use free sub rewards ones (llevel 150 and 200 I think, I forget exact level range on free one been awhile) you can not use the paid one for that level bracket (lvl 150 and 200) so actually just waste those 2 in full packet.
So heckler juice already restricted to once of each type per account so it is not really a boost option its best use is for boosting 1 character you hate as buff toon or something. I hate leveling as froob, so I boosted my fgird bot to 200
My engineer I boosted from 150 to 200 using Heckler Juice from Store. On steam it is one per character. Not sure about heckler juice from Store, don’t want to waste FC points only to find out only usable on one account and one character.
I stopped there for now. I really dislike Shadowlands. It was designed around team play. Low levels probably could solo but i’m not that good. Besaidaurocks I never minded the RK grind when finding a team was easy, now nearing impossible to find a team. Nowadays people want to buy endgame levels, I rather see people team and enjoy the game as it was intended.
So with my Trader(below) I solo missions and easier to crowd control and I will say I am getting burned out on missions just easier to control the difficulty. Eventually I will attempt to farm hecklers since I can solo ACE’s they shouldn’t be too difficult. Tried logging in 2 or more accounts but too time consuming. One of my friends does it and it is the only way he can play, I do not have the patience.
Currently been leveling my Trader. Never in all my years of playing AO would I ever see me solo a QL 198 mission with ACE’s and Real Mean enemies at Level 154. The RM’s and Ace’s are tough at Level 203. Using every tool set the Trader offers helps. Breed plays a role as well. First ever Solitus to level past 100 for me. Never really played Atrox, I do have a few rolled but just not my preference. Also a have a Nanomage Trader that sucks at soloing, haven’t played that character in a long time and still stuck at level 80. Then there is my NT at level 200 before Shadowlands expansion or just shortly after release, been so long ago I don’t remember. Quishy. Mainly used to mez item(s) from missions.