Suggestion: Radial menu toggle option

So I have been playing with conan exiles platform for 6+ years now. I mostly use it for roleplay on private servers.

I will be honest, and say that I am not happy with how this radial menu has changed.

I am a pc user not a console player. I really wish you would made an option in your control settings to allow us to CHOOSE for ourselves which radial menu we perfer to use.

This radial menu option is not pc user friendly and only good for consol control uers.

Please please please add a toggle option and let us pc users continue to use the radial menu we have been used to for so long now??


I understand that you want to bring more quality of life, but in doing so you also removed quality of life for keyboard users.

Please reconsider us in this effort and bring back our radial menu as an option to choose!



This is the single biggest issue with the game right now as far as I am concerned. It doubles or triples the time I spend every time I have to use a radial menu now. (And care has to be taken to ensure not twitching at the wrong moment and finding it has suddenly swung to another option - such as ‘Break Bond’, which oh look it’s right next to ‘Follow’).

When companies were porting console games across to PC in the early 2000s, this was the sort of primitive radial menu we would get. The gaming industry has moved on - it is deeply irritating to see Funcom try to drag functionality backwards.

Here you go :man_shrugging:


Absolutely awesome, dude. Thank you so much :grinning:

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Lol - I was so eager to try it out after subscribing, that I logged into the game without adding it to the modlist :rofl:

lol, hate it when that happens :smiley:

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