Suggestion: The ability to put fittings on damaged legendary weapons/tools & armor

Ever since the change of not being able to repair legendary weapons, or armor it truly is a mood killer to get a legendary weapon/tool or armor piece from killing someone that you can’t upgrade to your liking because they decided to damage it, it would be a really nice quality of life update if you made it so we could put fittings on these damaged legendary tools/weapons/armor. I don’t mind not being able to repair them but not being able to upgrade them to your liking because of this is a bit too far I feel. thank you for taking the time to read this. :heart:


You can still get your own legendaries from the primary source and upgrade them as you like.

PvP loot is inevitably dependent on the previous owner.

Yes but that’s completely dependent on an RNG pool, why not just let us put fittings on damaged Legendary tools/weapons/armor (minus reinforcement kits of course as that would defeat the purpose of the durability/repair change)

They need make the legendary repair kit Work again in legendary weapons and armor removing It was the worst choice They made , right now people are stocking all legendary weapons and armors making chests and more chests Because They know If It broken They need another one before It people didnt stock legendary weapons or armor They Just Put ALL in dismantle bench Because They Just need Max 3 weapons why before They can repair It and It wont broken EASY now you cant repair It.

Right now legendary kits are useless and garbage.
Legendary weapons and armors need be stocked Because It cant be repair so you always need to pick another one.
Using some legendary weapons or armor for skins IS hard If you dont have luck getting It Full repaired.
Using some weapons and armors in delving bench IS hard (example asura armor to get survival armor) Because It almost all time do t drop Full repaired.

I find it funny when there is a complete mention of why something is the way it is and then assess that it is a problem.

Like saying: How about let prisoners go whatever they like. Or how about make hits that would kill you not kill you. Well, because that is inconvenient.

That is one of the reasons the worse thing any game does is balance according to forums.

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