Summoned Demon is UnFollowing Other Followers

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=
Mods: =MODS=

Bug Description:

All research I’ve done says that a Summoned Demon should not count as a follower allowing me to have it in addition to my followers, but it ‘unfollows’ any followers I have, making summoning it pretty pointless.

Bug Reproduction:

I have my circle on the top of a tower (roof of 6-doublestories). I have had Thralls following when I’ve summoned the demon. It’s surrounded by dancers and thaumaturgy tables. Tried it with and without War Party, zombies vs. Thralls, and mount can stay following.

I think that was changed after the Age of Sorcery came out.

Don’t know if that was intentional or not. Either way, demon followers are pretty useless since then. A tier 3 thrall, zombie or golem is easier to acquire, more powerful and more or less permanent.

As a temporary boost in addition to regular followers, they weren’t worth the effort, but still fun. Now… meh.

That would be unfortunate. I know I’m just now getting into Sorcery to try it out, but with them Summoning at level 0, they are pretty useless if that’s the case. You couldn’t summon them for an expendable minion for purges, because they wouldn’t have levels (zombies would work better for that). It’s only advantage was that it could buff your other thralls.

Can someone confirm this information? If this is the case, Funcom, please either make them not count as a follower again or have them summon at level 20 like zombies, since they are temporary, to make them have a purpose at least. Thank you!

Demon is unhappy with his social media account :imp:

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