Official PVEc
My thralls placed on guard, keep sinking into my foundation floor near N6.
Super annoying,
Can we have the rescue function, work w/o stripping them for inventory first until this is working?
Official PVEc
My thralls placed on guard, keep sinking into my foundation floor near N6.
Super annoying,
Can we have the rescue function, work w/o stripping them for inventory first until this is working?
I would love this. Some of my archers are now naked with sub-par bows, because rescuing them at the cost of their equipment is becoming too common.
I have this problem as well. In addition, the thralls don’t even have to be on guard: on simple follow instruction, out of combat, my thrall fell through the ruins in the jungle (close to Dagon’s Embrace at O5/6) with just his head sticking out. very annoying as he didn’t follow me into combat.
I also experience this a lot in combat, but only fighting dragon bosses (green & red) in Unnamed city: the dragon pounds my thrall into the ground, so they don’t attack and the dragon then turns his full attention to me. I can no longer run out of range to get the automatic thrall teleport back to me as now the dragon exceeds his chase range, and returns to his original location but healing himself of the damage I’ve already inflicted.
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