Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Graphics
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Private dedicated server on my PC
Mods: ModControlPanel, Mines_of_Set, Ymirs_Respite, TheColdEmbrace-Main, KerozardsParagonLeveling, Tutorial, Valkyrian_Lands, SeedTableV2, Emberlight, StylistPlus, UIMod_Hosav, Simple_Minimap, MultiBar, UnlockableContainers, ArmorStats_in_Bench, Frequent_meteors, SevereWeatherV2, EWV, LFS, StormEx, SoundFxOverhaulUPDATED, CustomMusicOverhaul2, Improved_NPC_Engagement, Happy_Little_Trees, Oreros_Dungeon_Overhauls, MAC_glownotes, Bloodbath, Chapter3_Combat_HotFix, AoWCh3_Hotfix1, No_Building_Placement_Restrictions
Bug Description:
When the floor pieces (which were used to build a ceiling) are outside of the render scene, it seems that the light they were supposed to block is not being blocked, but instead it shines through these floor pieces. It quickly turns into a disco situation when moving the camera and running around, since different floor pieces are in and out of the scene
Bug Reproduction:
Build a base with floor pieces acting as a ceiling, and once in a while this bug happens. Sadly I have no clue how to reproduce it reliably, because sometimes it happens every single time I enter my base, and sometimes it is not present for hours.
I have the photos taken in game just a while ago, where you can see how this looks like in game when moving the camera slightly (different floor pieces (ceiling) are not in the scene and thus they are not blocking the sunlight which shines on the floor), but looks like new users cannot upload photos here nor share links
Thank you for taking the time to report this situation to us.
You should now be able to post pictures on the thread, please feel free to do so and I’ll go ahead and report this situation through our internal channels once you do.
This started with AoW Ch3 and it is terrible. The shining through part is just annoying, but the strobe light effect is terrible. Happens to me with Radeon RX 5700.
Yeah, it is still happening to me, even without any mods, in a totally different locations and around the Exiled Lands map, and with different build sets. Are there maybe any news on this topic @RitualGround?
By the looks of it, this seems to be some overly aggressive “optimization” aimed at consoles where building pieces you’re not directly looking at are culled…
On PC at higher graphics levels it actually causes more performance issues, since the sun shining in will be an extra light source to deal with and typically causes a drop in FPS
There have been other similar optimizations as of late… like the LOD distances of pieces, especially visible on nemedian walls where you can see the gaps between them as a result of the LOD change even from a few steps away and generally just textures being super low res and blurry.
As an additional feedback, I would like to emphasize that when implementing “hacky” stuff to try and squeeze the game back into last gen consoles, the developers should be considerate of people not playing on said devices and maybe at least put a setting for it or something.