Sun light shines into closed buildings like there is a window or open wall and will flicker when looking around

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Graphics
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Local server
Mods: =MODS=

Bug Description:

Randomly the sunlight will shine into your building like there is a open wall or window when there is none. This happens for me both on servers, singleplayer, with and without mods. When the bug occurs looking around with make the sunlight patches flicker in and out.

Bug Reproduction:

build a closed building and relog a couple of times and randomly the bug will occur.


I tried all graphics settings, updating drivers, updating windows, etc nothing fixes it.


Thank you so much for your report and thorough information.

I reported this issue and we will try to investigate it as soon as possible, meanwhile, we appreciate your patience.

If any more information pops up, feel free to reach out to us :smile:

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The only way i found would prevent this was to set r.ShadowQuality=0 disabling shadows