Swimming crocodiles and a case for boats

Since Funcom seems to be making this game easier and easier that won’t happen. Many of the actual survival aspects have been diminished severely, maybe to attract more players. I remember the times when you just couldn’t run straight away to the volcano from the start and survive the cold. Or wear certain armor at the savannah without getting a heatstroke, you had to actually dress for the weather. Countless other details have been fiddled with as well. The game is going to a direction that is not that appealling anymore, bat gliders and whatnot… Makes me sad.

Development-wise, aquatic combat is probably harder than flying creatures (unless you add in aerial combat heh).

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This used to bug me too, then I remembered there was a “Nile Crocodile” that was probably more what would be in Hyborea. I looked it up and saw crocs like these:


The more subtle variation of the snout I just attributed to these being crocs from the time when the ocean drank Atlantis.

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