I finally got the Sword of Crom and gave it to my thrall. Farming Unnamed City I noticed he wasn’t doing any damage with it. A normal skeleton had a sliver of health left, and he hit the skeleton 3 times with no noticeable damage being done. I know he was hitting, because the skeleton was being knocked back a bit, he just wasn’t losing health.
Switched weapons, he did damage, switched back to Crom and he’s doing damage now. So not sure what that was, but it’s fixed for now.
Nvm last comment, he’s back to not doing any damage. Wtf?
Yes, the Sword of Crom can no longer be given to the Thrall.
• Sword of Crom
• Destroyer & Blackheart Hammer
• Carnage & Blackheart Blade
These weapons do not deal damage when a Thrall is using them.
Ah, well, I guess it was overpowered, especially for PvP. Thank you, at least I know it’s a feature, not a bug.
You can use it, though, @Wolfkyn . With stamina regen being so fast, you can actually manage. With rolling thrust, you can even make it kind of viable.
Can the Sword of Crom be broken down in the dismantling bench? Seems to be the best use for it.
Las time I got it, it can’t be dismantled. Alongside with The wyrd and the Musashi’s blade. But it was like a month ago.
But I did not see any changes with AoW in that regard.
Heresy! The best use ever, was to the wall of trophies, next to other “old legends” .
The bright side? You don’t need to grind for it anymore.
Prior to the update that didn’t allow thralls to use it, I was tripping over them. Even used them as sidearms for some of my archers.
They really should let us dismantle every weapon though.
Nah, it’s funny using it to one shot a lot of enemies. It’s fun to use as a joke.
You can make it kind of viable if you have rolling thrust. I cleared the Black Galeon solo with it, just to try, but there’s no real advantage. Any 2h legendary sword will serve you better.
The best use I found for it was as a training weapon for honing my rolling thrust skills. You fail, the sword punishes you.
Sword of 4 digit damage.
Payback time. We use to get one shoted from berserkers . I use this way sword of Crom a lot, before the update it was bugged and you could have a light before a heavy that would totally remove your stamina. If i saw correctly on your video you can still do it.
Sword of Crom i believe has a use on pvp, it can be used for executions.
You can do a lh and a ha but will be stuck in negative stamina. Depending on your stamina, you can do even more. Throw a roll in the middle and the ha will be free, so you can roll out after. Even the special attack is free. Someone who invests in grit can almost make it viable. If you roll, attack, roll attack, etc, you can perfectly manage with it. That thing hits like a train, @stelagel . If you get one, before putting it on the wall, go have some fun.
I did the unnamed city before the age of war solo with SoC.
Brute was really difficult and what ripped me off was the snake. I must have used 30 potions And 20 antidotes .
Now i believe it’s even easier, haven’t test it yet. But it’s tempting to go full sorcery, SoC and sorcery armor in the harpies, this must be a real b…ch
Baal’Pteor’s Razor or Blade of the Adventurer… Just because Agility
Oh, if you see it you better respect it! The guy wielding it probably knows what he is doing. If you take a hit from that, you’ll be left in a very bad shape.
Indeed. It has a sweet base dmg and weights nothing. It’s very helpful. I can’t see any reason for someone not carrying one if having high agility. It drops rather frequently. I might have 3 or 4 after playing one week or so.
There are many interesting weapons on this update. Yesterday I got a predatory blade. I can’t wait to try it today.
Any favorite weapon this time, @stelagel ? I didn’t get Yog’s Touch yet. But I only ran the dungeon twice.
I’ve been gathering a lot of interesting weapons I’ll kit differently and use. No luck getting the Annihilator so far. I hope they buffed it. That sword looks amazing.