In therory i like the idee of the tavern system but why i not can recrute the peopels was have today a nordheimer berserker and a janos in my bar but no way to recrute them .i not need level 1 or 2 thralls
Thralls come and go. It’s RNG when you can hire Named Thralls.
I have had more luck hiring T4 thralls from other players Taverns than I have from my own.
Just have to play and look
Yeah, I think it’s a bit rough right now. We lost access to so many unique thralls (both crafters and regular thralls) since purges AND tavern only allow placeable thralls and it seems a limited selection. Combine that with the low RNG of the T4 and it’s…underwhelming.
I don’t even want to do purges because I get too many junk thralls I don’t want and the loot from the chests is 97% junk.
What is everyone doing with their extra purge thralls anyway?
Here, as in life: most of those who come already have a job and are not going to hire you. And those who are available are unemployed. Among them there are rarely worthy warriors. I came across three: Freya, Sarnai and Undina. Sarnai made an excellent archer (100% agility), the other two also leveled up well. There are also some good level III dancers with decent HP leveling.
I have found five named fighters, and was able to hire two of them on Siptah. An Accursed Berserker who was hired willingly, and Lian. LIan is still a beast on the “tougher” map.
I release them immediately.
I don’t open many cages if I see in advance that there is no one worthy standing there.
This, of course, is disgusting on my part, but life in general is a cruel thing.
I cant even hire anymore.
My follower limit is maxed. Been well over 140 followers before they put the Rule in place to 65.
Since then I purged down to 60. Few caged, Golems, and a Bar Keep. I’m at my limit again. Duh.
I break their bonds and send them on their merry way.
I reassign any named thralls to my purge base defence. They defend for a while and then die. Oh well.
Fillers until i get better ones- i usually keep them where i free them so they absorb the next attack. I set their attack range to 50 metres so they go after where ever the purge is coming from
Im capped on 3 servers so far. For those three its training time. Got some really good midrange and purge thralls too.
Yes, it is useless.
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