Named thralls in taverns

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What’s the rate at which you can buy T4 thralls from taverns? I’ve had so many show up with not a single one able to be hired. Had a few archers, performers (mostly) and a couple fighters with one being a snow hunter and couldn’t hire any of them. The rate has to be as low as getting the weapon and armor smith scrolls from siptah vaults. Makes me wonder if you currently can’t hire T4 right now.

I bought a Danyo and a Spinas today but I also buy and delete all the trash.

Someone said the rate at which T4’s appear is about 2 %, which is about the same as their spawn rate in the wild.

I’ve been able to hire two so far.

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So far on Siptah, found and was able to hire Mei The Blade, Varis The Wayfaerer, and two Lians. Yesterday Freya was in that tavern on Siptah, but not looking for work.

Each clan is able to hire 3 potentials. Devs said they may expand this number.

So while having multiple taverns doesnt affect the respond rate, i always get to hire 3 thralls with multiple taverns. The rate at which they change and a new thrall appears are 10 seconds to one hour after you hire one.

So for example on one server ive got 4 taverns. One wont have any. Another may have all 3 or none at all. Or maybe i can hire one then 30 minutes later there will be 2 more . Either way when im hiring, i make sure i hire 3 during my session.

If i dont get one , at least someone else will when they check my taverns.

Always buy every one you can. That opens the slot for another. I’ve had at least 20 named thralls to buy. Haven’t kept them all, but they are there.

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500 gold coins.

Now im trying a different approach on one server- only hiring thralls from taverns as i level. Playing the long game here over the course of months

Rate meaning % not how many coins that I already knew


Recruitable guests have a 2% chance to be of Tier 4.
As mentioned above, you will only have 3 recruitable maximum at your bar at any given time.

@Pixelcave has a lovely video on the tavern if you want other info.

I’m currently moving my base and one thing for sure, I’m not bringing the tavern with me this time around. It cause unncessary lag and framerate issues with patrons and for what? for the chance of having a less than 2% chance of scoring a T4? I have all the T4 thralls I need so, tavern goes into the trash.

I have more luck finding named thralls in other players taverns than I do my own.

Have you tried mass reporting it to Funcom? Seems to be your way of dealing with stuff you don’t like :slight_smile:

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