Greetings Exiles,
We truly appreciate all the feedback provided so far for this TestLive build.
We’ve also just released the first revision for Patch 2.4, which includes plenty of fixes and tweaks!
- A warning prompt will now be displayed when trying to use healing wraps while mounted, stating: “Cannot use while mounted”.
- A warning prompt will now be displayed when trying to summon Avatars within a protection bubble, stating: “Cannot summon Avatars inside a divinely protected area”.
- Having Shaggai Queen Jelly in beehives will now increase honey output by one additional unit every time honey is produced.
- It is no longer possible to cancel an attack animation by quickly equipping and unequipping the weapon or other items.
- Prevented the use of sprint attacks while in the swimming state.
- Corrupted Baboons will now take damage.
- Devolved First Men’s attacks will now deal damage.
- Fixed the ragdoll of Corrupted Spiders so that their corpse no longer falls through the floor.
- Fixed a number of pathfinding issues in some of the New Lands camps.
- Corrupted Yeti no longer throws rocks.
- The boss Rabid Milly will now drop the Mistmourn shield as originally intended.
- Fixed a hitbox issue for one of the First Men spawned at the Black Pool.
- Fixed a graphical issue on the spiders spawned by the Spider of Leng.
- NPC’s in the Fractured Citadel will no longer attack the Bloodmoon Beast.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Rocknoses from damaging the player and staggering on hit.
- Increased the Health of the Living First Men.
- Adjusted the stats for the Grey Ones weapons based on them having no thrall bonuses and difficulty to craft.
- The Globe of Yezud and the Statue of Zath now correctly use Venom-purified Blood instead of Mitra essences.
- Components for a recipe will now be automatically crafted whenever possible.
- For instance, attempting to craft Fiber Bindings with no Twine in the inventory will now automatically add the necessary amount of Twine to the crafting queue, together with the Fiber Bindings, provided that enough Plant Fiber for the Fiber Bindings and the Twine is present in the inventory.
- Harpagus will no longer teach the second tier Zath feat in place of the first.
- Interactable weapons at the Fractured Citadel can now be picked up.
- The Great Sword of the Grey Ones will now have a correct weight amount of 13.125 rather than 0.
- Added missing NPC population to one of the New Lands camps.
- Interactable pickaxe in one of the New Lands camps can now be picked up.
- Polished the Obsidian Ones outfit to reduce stretching and clipping issues.
- Fixed a number of graphical issues with the Black Corsair outfit.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the loot preview window from showing and prevented the opening of the loot menu for containers beneath the water surface.
- Fixed the functionality of the Eldarium Pickaxe to be consistent with other pickaxes.
- Fixed an issue that caused characters to enter a rubber-banding state when trying to run over an activated Black Pool altar.
- Zath’s secondary attack now obeys keybinding and can be activated using either the kick or the heavy attack action.
- Fixed an issue where the black pool altar would not recede completely.
- Fixed a number of clipping issues in several New Lands camps.
- Vault entrances should no longer exhibit an unintended intense glow.
- Added collisions to the Grey Pools to prevent characters from getting stuck underground.
- Moved certain NPC corpses that were floating above the water in the New Lands.
- Expanded the building block area some of the Siptah camps, to prevent NPC spawns from being blocked by the player claim.
- Fixed an issue that caused certain Volcanic rock rubble props to lack textures.
- Trees in the central area of the New Lands are now harvestable.
- Removed an unintentional lingering building piece above the Fractured Citadel.
- Adjusted the collision size for the walls in a hallway present in one of the New Lands camps.
- Fixed some backface culling issues in one of the New Lands camps.
- Added missing collisions to certain destroyed stone pieces in one of the New Lands camps.
- Added missing climbing blockers to one of the Siptah camps.
- Adjusted the position of multiple torches on the walls in the Asylum of the Outsiders Vault.
- Fixed an issue that caused certain stone debris props to lack textures.
- Fixed an issue that would cause floor texture flickering in one of the New Lands camps.
- Spiders spawned through the Orb of Yezud have had their walk animation fixed.
- Fixed a number of issues with the Wheel of Pain animations.
- The target lock and Health bar locations for the Devolved First Men have been raised to the intended position.
- Fixed an issue where the author of Notes, Journals, and Papyrus scrolls was not being displayed correctly.
- Fixed the Zath upgrade feats to display the correct building names.
- Fix feat icon colors not updating properly after feats are unlocked in parallel with other feats.
- Crafting info view is now hidden if no item from crafting grids is selected.
- Fixed an unnatural reverb that was audible in some of the New Lands camps.