Can someone please explain how this really should work? Is this really a QoL addition to the game? Currently i do not see why would we even need this change.
Let’s take for example the Blacksmith Bench. From what i understand from the above quote is the following:
I want to make steel reinforcements using the recipe from a tier 3 Blacksmith. I do not have the iron reinforcements created, but i have in the bench the iron bars need it for them. With this change the bench should first craft the iron reinforcements and then craft the steel reinforcements? Ofc, if any steelfire is also in the bench, crafting material that the blacksmith bench cannot craft by it’s own(probably the reason why the recipe cannot be used).
I have a question that might be good to have an answer from someone that knows exactly how this should work.(I will keep the blacksmith bench as the main source)
Let’s say i already have iron and steel reinforcements crafted in the bench but also i have iron and steel bars. In the blacksmith bench we have more options on how to make metal bars and reinforcements, which one of the options will be chosen by this new feature?
Currently it is a mess . In the first screenshot i tried “Craft All” on all possible steel reinforcements. It is only half as odd as the second screenshot, where i have tried “Craft All” on all possible steel bars. First screenshot, the bench randomly picks 2360 items to craft where obviously there are more available, but at least 2360 remains for reinforcements too. Second screenshot, we have again the same 2360 present, but we get a “false” 5900 amount of steelbars. Do not ask me why those amounts, because i have no real clue.
After giving this a couple of good hours and try to break it(receiving materials without costs) i think that we could easily skip this QoL, imo this change will break and complicated a lot more things then being a actual QoL feature.
Forgive me, I don’t fully understand what your screenshots are showing me.
Are there iron bars & additional steelfire further down in your inventory that is enabling the crafting of those steel bars?
Is it giving you free mats in order to craft steel bars even though you were intending to craft via iron reinforcements and steelfire?
Are the materials disappearing out of your inventory once they are queued, to represent that those mats are being used?
Is it fudging the numbers. meaning you only have 862 steel reinforcements and 115 steelfire so you should only be able to craft 115 steel reinforcements instead of 2360, plus it’s giving you 2360 FREE steel bars after the fact?
I have a lot more questions about those 2 screenshots but maybe a short video (if possible) would explain your point a lot better. I agree the current iteration of this “QoL” feature needs to be fixed. There are enough posts on the matter that I feel confident Funcom is aware of the problem. If however, they CAN fix the problems, are you suggesting they not bother? It might be that Funcom only intended this feature to work with “inventory crafted items” like in their example about the fiber and twine.
I personally feel like this feature is an awesome addition and would love to see it implemented (after it’s been fixed of course). Please elaborate more on this feature’s problems so Funcom can fix the issues.
No, what you see in the inventory is what is available.
The feature wants to craft steel bars from the already crafted steel reinforcements. What you see in first screenshot is 2360 steel reinforcements dismantled and once done it will continue with crafting the actual reinforcements.
2nd screenshot i want to craft steel bars from steel reinforcements. The feature Picks the same odd amount of 2360, but in return i would receive 5900 steel bars.
And no, you do not receive any Cost Free materials at least i have not managed to do it. The stuff appears to craft but it is only visual, i never got an actual reinforcement.
I understand better now. It didn’t dawn on me that it might be trying to dismantle reinforcements in order to make reinforcements. Sounds like something government would attempt to get away with Thank you for the additional clarification.
Ugh, please do not release this feature in its current shape.
Blacksmith’s Bench current Inventory: 500 Steel Reinforcements
Character Inventory: nothing
If i click on Recipe: Steel Reinforcements it shows “craft 500”.
If i click on it it dismantles the Steel Reinforcements into Steel Bars only to recreate the just dismantled Steel Bars into Steel Reinforcements again
With the last hotfix, “special” recipes work once again. Unfortunately remains the same for some other recipes.
(Steel reinforcements)
You kinda need to prevent them from being dismantled and then recreated. I have seen this being mentioned in todays hotfix, i am looking forward for the next patch to 2.4.
Reminds me of the gold coin versus gold bar problem with the furnace some time ago, where it smelted coins to create bars, then made coins from those bars, but in this case losing a lot of stuff until only a few coins were left.
This new system should never dismantle anything to create a new thing, just create from what is available.
Even with the dismantle process in place, I like this feature. Being able to craft thrall armor without having to store padding is a benefit. Being able to craft a multistage item without having to craft all the components is awesome.
While I understand the frustration some folks are having, I greatly prefer this process.
@Pugilist the system definitely has potential especially if one day, the benches could pull mats from a chest/s or even from other connected benches. Once the bugs are ironed out I could see it being very useful for cooking/alchemy.
Me, as an other minority:
I like crafting all the stuff for myself!
I don’t say I hate this change, it makes crafting faster and easier but I’m that kind of guy who likes doing the stuff for himself, takes his time and not just rush to level 60 and done.
It’s gonna be so weird when I won’t have to search for padding, etc. and click craft 5 times.
I do not see a minority or a majority in here, all i did was to mention that the feature is broken and not ready to Release on live. I asked for more info in regards to this feature.
Purge thralls or any high-tier thrall-only?
But I understand if it’s way easier to just apply this change to every thrall/crafting station than to specific pieces of the game.
I agree, but the devs should have remembered the furnace bug and added the code that detects a cycle in the graph. In other words, the process of crafting a multistage item should not include consuming material X in one stage to produce that same material X in another.
Sure, benches and workstations pulling from chests would be great.
I’m really messy when it comes to my chests, and lose lot time searching for my stuff, so this would of course a great addition !