Testlive Update 2.8 - Discussion Megathread

I’m reporting the FPS that you see when you have the debug hud up. It just occurred to me that may not be what you’re asking for. If you want I can install some sorta tool to measure my FPS, though you’ll have to tell me what that tool should be. I normally don’t pay attention to it.

Perhaps make a whole new " thick wall" type which is double a normal walls hp and is twice as thick and cost less to make than a foundy but more than a regular wall. Perhaps a t4 tier to building? Obsidion based , a mostly useless resource?

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@Ignasi with updates like 2.8 removing fence foundation stacking, is there a plan in the future to remove other building tricks? For example, as a PvE-er, I use a building trick to make pillars align on the corner of ceilings or foundation pieces to create more decorative builds. If this trick was removed, I would hope it would be replaced with a true corner snapping option for pillars in addition to the center snapping location.

Example of a build where I created a unique looking staircase on my front entryway;


This is stuff I worry about too when I see changes meant for PVP. I get around most of it due to multigun’s wonderful LBPR - but the fact I regularly do stuff like lining buildings with fence foundations raised a little bit to make one-floor rooms feel less claustrophobic makes changes to the snap nodes an ever-present concern to me.


I hear you on claustrophobia. I love building a basement in my builds, I can store stations and loot down there out of sight and my upstairs is a comfy home. For the basement, a 1 wall high room does not work for me, it’s too small for my toon and for most stations, so about a half fence foundation plus 1 wall is about the lowest I’d go, that or 2 walls high (which seems too high sometimes too).

Right now, the only way to make an attractive ceiling with my basements is to “trick” pillars to corner snap so that I can use the vaulted ceilings the way they are intended to look, but do not currently work in the basic building system. Example below:


I actually had a similar concern. Is this a cool update? Yeah, but for me it’s a performative bandaid with regard to bringing livelihood to the game. A random feature would at least make me feel like a thrall is “making it’s own decision” on how to act.


Adding emotes to followers is an excellent and very welcome update. This update makes it even more important to implement the longstanding issue of followers not facing their original direction when they move from their guard spot and return. It’s already very annoying, it will be even more annoying to have carefully placed followers doing emotes facing the wrong direction.


so umm guys i already found a new way to fence stack but it just makes doors a bit less hp as it takes more room and u cant fence stack in a stright line so no more rat whole type things

So, I agree with this…


I just did some thorough testing on Testlive and lets just say… I’m quite upset.

Before I get into why I’m really peeved with the removal of fence stacking, let me relay the results of my testing and Information.

  1. The rumor mill is true… true fence stacking is DEAD. It is possible to still use wedges to offset fence foundations from each other, but you cannot extend the offset foundations to make a complete line. As shown in this image (I can’t connect the middle fence foundations with a connecting foundation).


  2. As @TeleTesselator pointed out, you can now place fence foundations on every side of a regular and wedge foundation. This makes the new meta (HP-Wise) akin to making a series of “honeycombed” triangles out of fence foundations.

    So whereas before I would have Fence foundations on the front and back faces of 2 foundations with infill in-between (a total of 9 Layers of Fence Foundations), now I simply have 5. Bringing the total HP in the same wall footprint down from (810,000) to (450,000).

  3. @Community THIS IS IMPORTANT: In the current testlive build I just downloaded, Black Ice Fence Foundations are broken. In this build, something is janky with the top building socket on the BI fence foundation that will not allow any other fence foundation to snap on top of it. I cannot place a BI fence foundation on top of a BI fence foundation on the ground, nor can I place any other type of fence foundation on top of it. If this isn’t fixed before launch you will have a lot of pissed off PvP players, as most of them build out of Black Ice.

Now to my actual commentary:

I am VERY, VERY upset with this change. I personally am not in favor of traditional fence stacking, it causes players to use way more building pieces than necessary to protect their bases. HOWEVER, Traditional fence stacking is much better than the abomination that this patch creates. Allow me to explain:

  1. First consider the damage of a bomb:
    I did some bomb trials on test live to refresh my memory on bomb (Explosive Jar) damage to see if it had changed:

Bomb Trials

  1. 7,119
  2. 7,119
  3. 7,119
  4. 7,119

As you can see from the trials the damage was clearly consistent against a T3 Reinforced Stone Fence Foundation, and the Average Explosive Jar Damage for Direct Hit was 7,119.
This means that it takes roughly 12.64 bombs to destroy a single layer of T3 Fence Foundation.
For a wall consuming the space of 2 foundations, this means the new “meta” requires approximately 63.2 bombs to bust this wall, which (with traditional stacking) would have taken approximately 113 bombs.

This is yet another huge nerf to buildings, which are already paper thin in Conan (this is something I hate about the game and is my 1st concern). While I personally feel like it should take much more resources to destroy buildings, as a builder, raider, and PVPer on PvP servers, I am more concerned about my #2.

Concern #2: TIME. Any experienced Conan PvP player will tell you that base raiding is all about time. It doesn’t matter how many stacks of walls, foundations or ceilings a base has, it can be raided in a single raid window if they are offline. This has been the case during my entire 3,700+ hours of Conan.
With the currently live fence-stacking meta, it took me about 40 minutes to bust down a 2 foundation thick wall.(This was going at a snail/noob’s bombing pace

I just tested the currently live fence stacking meta and blew through this wall in 4 minutes and 40 seconds. Using the same method I tested the new test-live meta. Which I blew through in just under 10 minutes. The huge time difference was due to the increased difficulty of bomb placement, but also the fact that the bombs on testlive appear to have really wonky physics. While placing bombs down, as soon as their physics activate, the sometimes get launched it the air very quickly away from the target… clearly this reduced my bombing efficacy.

Both of these numbers are absurd though. Without a horse, it’s impossible to get all the way across the map in 10 minutes, let alone throw on kit and grab buffs/heals for PvP. The previous 40 minutes is a stretch, but 12 minutes? Good luck. If you don’t death port back to base and have everything 100% set you’re toast. Also… good luck running to the bathroom during raid. Better keep a chamberpot at your desk. This right here is the BIG problem with Conan PVP. It’s so easy to bust into bases that the defenders don’t really have time to respond. Removing fence stacking doesn’t solve this problem by itself. While the new meta may be a little harder to break into, it is still super easy. Personally, as a builder, I feel very upset about having to move to a new, ugly meta, just to stay relevant. At least with fence stacking I can build in my own style. All of that being said, if you guys want to remove fence stacking, DO IT. But please for the love of Crom increase the cost and usefulness of building pieces. Bases are trash in PvP. Unless you are constantly checking your event log, you have no way of knowing you are being raided. With it requiring <30 minutes to get into a fortified base even if a single online player sounds the alarm, odds are offline players can’t get online and respond fast enough. Add in the insane power of avatars, and what you basically have is what others on the forum have described as “demolition derby”. There isn’t enough time for defenders to mount a real defense. If there was the PvP community in this game would be a lot healthier and PvP would be a lot more fun. Adjusting health values of building pieces won’t really affect PvE, PvE-C players that much, so that is probably the most straightforward option.

In traditional fence stacking, one roughly 2m x 2m foundation square can contain 5 fence foundations arranged in parallel and equally and cleanly spaced. Using 5 pieces instead of 1 uses more server/computer resources, however, it is preferred on PvP servers because using the 5 fence foundation pieces provides (450,000 HP) whereas the 1 is only (100,000 HP). The problem with the changes is that the NEW META, uses just as much CPU resources… you can still stack 9 layers deep–and PVPers will. The only difference is now that honey-combing HAS to use triangles (which looks atrocious IMO.) Furthermore, using wedges makes the wall thinner overall (which I guess is aesthetically fine… except… if you want your wall to still line up with the square “grid” of your base, you wall has to be THICC (like all the way to the end of the wedge foundations in the picture below.


I think you are under the assumption that you should be immune to being raided, even when you aren’t there. I don’t think that Funcom has ever supported that meta and from all of their example videos, show both sides being active.

The true power of the old fence stacking was that you could have 100 doors and be inside your base and the walls were only 20 foundations thick (which was still over-built and could get your building admin-nuked and your clan banned.)

Now there is no way you have have that many doors that close together. Which means if you are 20 wedge foundations thick, you are only going to have 20 doors thick, too.

I heavily suspect after fence stacking and ceiling stacking get pounded to oblivious that there will be a bit of nerf on explosives (I suspect an expiration timer and that you won’t be able to put explosives in your fridge to stop the timer).

(I think I’m leaning to the loony-toons version of this, BTW, where your bombs become more and more unstable and then have a chance of going off in your chests.)


No. I shouldn’t be immune to being raided, but it should take more than 2-3 hours to topple a megabase.
They take weeks to build. They shouldn’t be destroyed in minutes.

This would be a pointless nerf. An expiration timer still wouldn’t solve being able to blow through a single T3 layer in 30 seconds. Blowing through the strongest building pieces in the game in less than a minute is just stupid.

If you have no defenders that can sally out to defend your castle, you have no real defense against a focused damage. You are, in essence, wanting your base to be impregnable with no real defenders.

Like I said, that meta was never supported by the developers. They always show two active sides to the PVP. And really, if no one in the castle is reacting to someone attacking one area, no fortress would last long.

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What do you know about the developer’s support about a meta?

Also… you’re basically saying solo players aren’t allowed to build bases.

NO. That is NOT what I want. You are mischaracterizing my argument/position.
I don’t want an impregnable base. I just don’t want somebody to be able to blow down a building I spent 3 weeks on in less than 3 hours. And I want to be able to fight back. The way the meta is currently, if fence stacking is suddenly removed, Then no base is safe from even a 1 hour assault. On populated servers, some people can’t even get into the GAME in an hour, even if they KNOW they’re being raided.

Yea, and if you ACTUALLY play on Official PvP you would know that this is just marketing. The only bases that ever have armies clashing at the gates are fence stacked. Because if they aren’t stacked, the attacker is already inside the defending clan’s base before they even respond. On top of this, the vast majority of raids are offline raids.

Thralls need to count again on this and aggro at enemies.


I’ll raise ya…the go off on you if you run.


Now THAT would be crazy… lol

Maybe server queues would have been helpful years ago when the game had a little more population , right now I don’t really have a problem getting into any servers games pretty read on the pvp side of servers


I know you have been pushing this for a while, but I tried it out and there was noticable amounts of jitter on objects. Nvidia Sharpen+ filter and base game antialiasing looks much better.

Well, a few points here (just because I love bullet point formatting :slight_smile: ):

  • We don’t yet know what else they’re changing in order to balance against the anti-stacking “improvements”.
  • They have already increased foundation HP. T3 foundation blocks are now 100K HP - what were they before - I forget, 70K?
  • They didn’t mention that in the notes at all - there may be other things they’re not mentioning. Reduced bombs? Reduced gods? More and better parts? No more off-line raiding allowed? etc.
  • If they don’t compensate (more than just a few extra HP on foundations) they’re likely to lose around 10 or 20% of their PVP customer base - which could cascade and “cost them the game” - so to speak. Doubtful, but an actual possibility.
  • With banning people when in everyone’s opinion it’s unjustified and evil in so many of the cases so far, they have already likely lost about 1% or something. They should be aware of this without us speculating about it.

I can’t cover every angle because we just don’t know enough and speculation is endless as you can likely see. I do want more bullet points tho. :crazy_face:

I will say that it seems like they are making the same mistakes so many other game companies have made: Placing any or too much, weight on “customer feedback” with the inability to distinguish between constructive and reductive pleas. The rule of thumb for success is (YAY, more bullet points!):

  • If the plea is to remove something, always ignore it.
  • If the plea is to change something, usually ignore it.
  • If the plea is to add something, consider it.

Otherwise (and especially for small teams) they spend all (or too much) of their time reacting to clueless people instead of building on the vision they have for the future of the product. Not to mention ultimately producing an uninteresting game lacking player challenges and rewards - as those are typically what clueless players target for removal. You can see this dynamic just by glancing at the discussion forums here. Remove the rewards because they are OP, too meta, or whatever the term of the day is… And remove or reduce the challenges because it’s too hard and they want it mostly handed to them. Those two are like 60% of the threads started in Feedback and Discussion.

Anyway, so while it seems as if they’re making some mistakes, we just dunno yet how many (if any) and how serious (if at all) they will be without seeing where they take 2.8 in the TestServe in the next month or whatever.

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foundations have always been 100k. Walls and ceilings 70k. Fence walls 90k. I think there os a bug on testlive for storm glass reducing.