The Adventures of Spreadicus : A Conan Machinima Adventure Casting Call

Greetings Conan Exiles Community!

I wanted to share my Conan based Machinima Adventure series currently under active development in Funcoms other Conan game “The Age of Conan”.

I know many of you wouldn’t urinate on this game if it was on fire but if you like Conan and have some semblance of humor inside you then you may get some enjoyment out of this.

AoC of course is the MMO predecessor to Conan Exiles, the game that Funcom cranked out in 2008 and then slowly left from die while they moved on to greener pastures.

Completely free to play and still enjoyable to this day.

Currently the pilot episode is live on YouTube with episode 2 being developed. Anyone who wishes to be a part should hop on my discord and let me know that you’re here for a part and whether it’s char acting or voiceover you’re interested in.

Requirements to participate
For Voiceover parts you need a good mic and recording software. Note: VO roles are mostly filled but I am still accepting auditions for talented folks.

Even if you don’t have an exact match, I will work with willing parties.

For character acting roles you would need age of Conan installed (free to play, 28.8 gb space) and a level 80 (max level) matching any of the descriptions below.
Filming will commence on the Crom-PvE server at dates to be determined.

1.Cimmerian/Aquilonian Female Ranger mid 20s, Pale Skin, Red Hair, no facial tattoos, no khitai tattoos
2.Cimmerian/Aquilonian Male Barb mid - late 20s , tan skin, dark hair, facial tattoos/marks ok, no khitai tattoos.
3. Cimmerian/Aquilonian Female Conq, built like a brick sh*thouse, must be massive, must have social buff for enlarging character, must have conq lumbering hulk ability.
4. 1 female Any race any class female toon built as short and tiny as can be, bald hairstyle, Ugly toons welcome to apply!
5.Female stygian tempest of set mid 20s with dark skin, hairstyle and facial markings to be determined
6. (ROLE FILLED) Female necromancer - mid 20s, off color hair (purple, green, blue etc) of any style.
7. Male stygian tos mid 20s - long dark hair and no facial hair, no face tattoos
8. Male Cimmerian/Aquilonian Conq - Mid to late 20s - long blonde hair, no facial hair.

Even if you don’t have a toon that matches those descriptions if you want to be a part we have many other possibilities available.

Compensation will be in the form of in game gold and of course the fact you get to be a part of something epic!

Check out the pilot episode and if you enjoy it be sure to like and subscribe!

For inquiries and interested parties

See me stream AoC live on twitch most nights us eastern prime time