Hi all !
There is a cool vid as a “player trailer”, nice to spread the love of Age Of Conan around you ! (and convert your friends, family, pets to the game)
Do not hesitate to watch it !
(Trailer come from the “Alliance Francophone”)
Hi all !
There is a cool vid as a “player trailer”, nice to spread the love of Age Of Conan around you ! (and convert your friends, family, pets to the game)
Do not hesitate to watch it !
(Trailer come from the “Alliance Francophone”)
Really cool video!! I’ll pass to all my Friends and guildies!!
Yesterday I posted in forums with some ideas that I believe could give this Game and this community a high returning/new comers Rising.
I just tried to “open the Apple” so the community can make “muscle” in order to try Funcom to see AoC is their real BEST chance!!
Here is the link:
The Wachowskies would be proud!
Cool Trailer!
It seems their is a new vid like the player trailer for 2023
Thanks to the facebook groupe for sharing this !
Personally i like the soundtrack of this game just awesome ! This music + the OST of White sand area make me love this game
I stand with you!
I want this game to reopen! And get some solid graphical & stuff updates (:
Hell yeah think lot of us want it !
A bit a " one more " on this forum late repply but i’m happy lot’s of player (or old) recome since 1-2month on the game, not sur if adv from youtube wiith channel like Nious-gaming / Mori / Henryx or Tiwtch mostly from Doctor had a real impact
But always nice to see player recome or discover AoC
@AndyB Don’t ya wanna use some of those vid to made a bit of advertising for AoC ? A post in Social media shouldn’t cost much, and it will made lot’s player happy ! <3
Where are all the people who came back? Ingame I really don’t see new peeps. Actually the game is dead like never before. Even on a Sunday it’s very hard to fill any groups.
What this game needs is a total remake or a new Age of Conan 2 that plays either before or after Age of Conan 1. Adding better graphics or new dungeons to the existing game doesnt change the facts that the game has a very old fashioned combat system that just does not fit into 2023s demands by the young generation of gamers now. They want to play with controllers and not with keyboard, and mouse and use 20 buttons to control combat. Yeah, I know. Most of you love the combat but you forget that you are the few hardcore fans who remained. Everyone else left. It would be the same if Funcom just adds better graphics and dungeons. After a few months the returned and new players would leave the game again. There was a reason why they left… the game got old. We need a new one.