Teleported to the sink hole obelisk and spotted the headhunters caravan right there between the 2 dafari camps. was there a post about this?
check out on X
I absolutely refuse to be part of that propaganda social site meant to spread lies and misinformation.
What bites is I sub to 3 different funcom info sites, 2 different forums and never get notices.
The newest news about Conan exiles is from October.
Any announcements here? Of coarse not.
WE are the basement foster kids and quite apparently not worth an active community manager. But funcom sure keeps cashing those checks to feed and cloth Dune.
fixed for u
X has it lasting until the 18th.
yuck, i really dont want to install that vile app just to get Conan news, wish they would just post on the official site or at least a little Youtube add or something
Certainly lack of consistency and reach in all spaces where information is expected. has News, Updates and Support 》Patchnotes.
News is usually current, contains mostly Age announcements, interviews, letters and contests. Most of these are usually updated on the launcher(s).
Updates hasn’t been updated since April 2nd, 2024, last post is about AoW.
Patchnotes link directs you to Updates.
Generally whatever is shared in News makes its way on the forums, Discord, launcher(s) and social media channels.
Patchnotes are shared on social media and forums but not in News on the website.
Twitch drops and events are only shared on social media.
Social media is a mixed bag, reshares of adjacent posts, bringing attention to current events or news of interest with the company, partners, content creators. I don’t think these need continuity in all spaces.
But, things like Official server changes, event periods, Twitch drops, etc.,… stuff that affects the game or offers that can benefit players directly impact the game, should be shared in all spaces.
It makes me think about the communication we do see depending on what and where we choose to spend our time on. It may cause some to believe less communication is occurring because its so spread out.
There are some things that are only shared on specific Discord servers and while it will largely be only for the niche group I have found that some is valuable for all. I realize that the at the moment contribution of that communication is beneficial for trust and support of those niche communities, the rest who do not participate in those spaces are at a loss.
I think, and have requested frequently, that there be continuity of information in all spaces for news, announcements, patchnotes, giveaways, Twitch drops, Official servers changes and anything else that might have an impact on the game or which would benefit players of any type.
To me it seems simple to amalgamate but the website and forums are limited for automation. But imho the time spent is worth it for players.
One would be forgiven for thinking that whole thing about making an email list to send updates was done in other than good faith, as there was no letter there either…
I imagine you’re spam folder got fluffier from being sold.
Spam email address.
Never sign up for this sort of dreck on a main or work account.
The funny part is that it was a manipulative propaganda site before Musk took it over. Everyone seems to think it was only this way after Musk bought it. Twitter was always a cesspool and so was Tumblr, Reddit. But the current social meta in the USA is “anything not left wing is bad oligarchy” so we gotta toe the line or else we get cancelled
Was it necessary for Elon to buy out the app and kick out other opinions? Not really. But what can you do? The guy had money, Twitter’s people accepted the payoff, so it was bought.
Yes, it was a common cesspool. I mean, bad as it sounds that is part of human nature. Once Elon got it that cesspool became a sewer lake.
There is a difference between people pushing a narrative, and an entire site pushing it. Before Musk twitter had and enforce{eh} some TOS standards and banned people. Now they push the propaganda and ban people for pointing it out.
What mirror are you using to watch the news
Or am I reading that wrong?
Note: Elon didn’t out right buy twitter, he had to borrow money. The banks that hold those debts are so fearful they are going to lose money on them, they are selling them off and kissing years of interest good bye.
All Elon buying twitter did was drive people off it that don’t want to deal with ANY sort of political crap. Now the number 2 and 3 twitter alternatives are rapidly catching up in subs{?}.
“Canceled” is yet another term that has been misused to the point of meaninglessness.
Violating the TOS you agreed to and getting banned isn’t getting canceled.
Lets not please, I’m bored and stressed, so any diversion is hard to pass up.
Derailing this in to some discord about the evil social media sites, and what makes them evil really is not my intention.
same here
So much for the tolerant Right.
@NesterT2 , The restart of headhunting was announced on Twitter on February 4th to begin on February 4th. Headhunting did not begin on the 4th, however. By my estimation, it activated around 5PM ET on the 5th.
And you did not so much miss the communication as the team responsible for communicating did not do their job in an adequate manner and the team responsible for activating the event did not do their job in an adequate manner and the player base was neither considered nor important because our input is neither desired nor valued.
Only a certain party caries on about being canceled. It all started when certain people decided the TOS of what ever social media site they were on didn’t apply to them, broke the rules, got banned, and then whined ad nausium about being canceled by the left.
I put right wing acceptance right up there with christian love. They both tend to go hand in gauntlet.
Like I said I’m bored and stressed, so…