The magic skills I've learned are in the opposite workbench. It can't be displayed or made

Magic can no longer be studied, display error, icon no longer displayed
PlayStation error report
January 2024 - Build the magical table to unlock the last three magical items (armor, thunderstorm, and teleporter). Unfortunately, it only has icons for the items I can build, even though I have learned the recipes for all three.

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Welcome to the forum!

Do you play single player?

So you unlocked the last 3 recipes last year?

What has icons you can build?
On your building hammer, section crafting benches - sorcery you must see these…

On the section decoration - sorcery you must see this…

On your sorcery bench all you can craft after finishing your sorcery knowledge is staffs. Or you can do illusion, that’s it.

The rest recipes can be performed with your staff as long as you have pouches in your inventory and the corruption percentage the spells demand.

Can you point your error now?

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