I had noticed that the server message was displayed, on the last few attempts I have actually been able to interact with the message (press x to close it).
So dear Funcom, you have one week left…
@SMiyamoto for you to say “relax, your only losing thralls” is downright disgusting!! Obviously all of your thralls are tier 1 with no XP wearing rags and using stone weapons.
How many swords of crome, predatory blades, yogs touch’s, red mother wepons, rare flawless armor sets did you lose??
Our clan lost 99 named thralls, all max XP, equipped with the best weapons and armor the game has to offer. So yeah, for you to say “relax” that’s just a slap in the face to all of us who grinded hundreds of hours perfecting our thralls.
You may as well work for funcom because they are continuously slapping us in the face.
The only thing smaller than my expectations of this game getting fixed is the likelihood of Funcom actually fixing it
Dude, this guy is so butt hurt, he needs some Preparation H. Not all people in this community are as negative as this guy, @SMiyamoto. Don’t let the trolls get to you.
@RootsRemain do you ever stop complaining?
I’m selling a car that don’t start but hey it’s still a car $2500 seems like the perfect place to post hmu!!!
Todos os servidores deviam estar como o PvP conflito para ver se a funcom se mexia já mete nojo tanto tempo e nada devem estar mais preocupados com a ilha de shypta pois é isso que está a dar dinheiro agora… não vão ver mais a cor do meu dinheiro tenho amigos q estão a jogar shypta mas da minha parte o Conan morreu
Is it REALLY taking this long to find a solution for this terrible situation or are we just being neglected?? Honestly @AndyB @Caroll
Ha I know, they just stopped trying now. Even the community managers lost their patience for Funcom on the situation lol
Oh! But buy Siptah!
At the moment we are waiting to hear back from the team about the tests they are conducting. We are aware though that the testing process is long and extensive to cover multiple scenarios.
We will let you know once we get more precise information to share.
This message is a bit confusing.
Is it the case that this issue has still not been resolved in house?
Is the update release dependent on the resolution of this issue, or will the update be pushed out regardless of the resolution of this issue?
There were several questions regarding the problem that building decay had been deactivated for the affected servers, but the Thrall decay had not resulting in the loss of Thralls for players.
Why is building decay deactivated, but Thrall decay still active on the servers affected by this issue?
Thanks for the Update Mayra.
We live in hope this issue is fixed soon as decay timers being switched off, Is now affecting Siptah pvec.
Is it not possible to keep decay timers off on pvec on the Exiled lands and switch them on for the Isle of Siptah pvec ?
Maybe with our next patch which is also desperately needed. @Caroll @Community
I am sure after some time this will affect siptah servers too.
I hope this will happen soon, maybe than there is more pressure to fix it. Maybe it affects pc too so they fix it in few days.
It looks like there is one 5h/week student that try to fix this.
With the new bugs that makes big parts of the game unplayable (invisible enemies for example) maybe they have other prios. I can understand it but both should be fixed… Maybe this year? Or next year?
Let’s hope not ’ sarcasm aside.
Let’s stay positive and hope all the necessary patches and bug fixes are coming soon.