The Never Ending "Loading Screen" Story

Your base too?

I’m really sorry, there was a small window to login so I got my friend to take a picture of the map and some bases. I hoped that would at least let you guys see if your base was still there or not.
Forgive me if it upset you, I definitely didn’t intend for it to do so. I hope you understand.


I totally understand. I’m not upset. I didn’t know the window to 3041 to login in was so small again. Just wish they would fix it. Thanks for taking some pics of ppls bases! I know some of them were worrying about them.


No problem, and sorry again for raising your hopes… can you see your altars on the map? If you want to tell me the co-ordinates. I will try to get a picture if I can get in.

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Southeast of the sinkhole in the ravine. We have huge walls up with gates. I see the altars so it should be there.

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all bases, except for clan Mogli, are there.


Im on 2080 siptah. Its all build full. Lots of claim spam…

Is there a spot on your server?

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Mogli was a pain in the ass. He was building all over in the jungle and up my mounds. Glad his bases are gone.


Ok it’s been quite sometime, what’s going on with getting these pve-c server’s back up and running? @Community


Didnt even know mogli… only in name…

Hope we seen our base with our own eyes

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yes he was definitely reported. I’m glad he’s gone all other clan bases are still there as well as those of the nice neighbors :laughing:

Thanks for the info guys, really appreciate what you have done , did not see our base in the pics but here’s hoping lol

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Well thank you… :rofl::rofl: im always nice


we get a update omg

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I think i dreaming :kissing_heart:

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If you tell me your location I will try to check it. Did you have an altar?


@Caroll is now the endless loading screen fixed?

you know who is meant​:grin::laughing:

@Andera you on PC

or why you playing now? all on ps4 get update, and wait for copying, and you play the game?

if you @Andera have a SSD the ok, but all servers down, for restart. Also why you can play?