The Never Ending "Loading Screen" Story

I agree. I’ve been playing on Siptah and clans started lost interest and now buildings just sit there. So then places that have two buildings turn into villages… only to be vacant. I’d like to break into a few clan bases because I know they got named thralls on work benches.


La isla de siptha en ps4, modo pve conflict funcióna bien? Estoy por pillarme el dlc siptha pero estoy esperando haber si areglan el servidor de la tierra del exilio, 3041pvC


Hi everyone,

There has been some reports of people being able to access a server 3041 as seen here;

I sent my friend to confirm this, and she indeed was able to access the server.

14:30 UTC

I have asked her to try some others so if anyone else is able to access it, or test others, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Ok pues ya no deja entrar me lo confirman compañeros míos también de ese servidor y estamos en los mismos cascos

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Sometimes the servers restart or crash and restart to a different time than the daily reboot. So you are able to login for a while, but not long… Was hoping that maybe every server do a reboot now…but not mine… I’m still in the loadingscreen :sob:

Maybe the day will come and we can enjoy pvec again but I think not this year. 1.4.6 then 1.5… I think this will take more than 5 month and there is no fix for this issue in the current patchnotes.
But maybe some miracle happens… I would be very lucky about it!


Pues si yo confío en que funcom lo arregle porque sería una penar perder años de trabajo en conan

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Yes my friend has tried all EU servers, and now she said 3051 kicked to main menu, and can’t join 3041, or any others again :expressionless:


Claro si entra cuando quiere a los servidores aver el problema no está solo en el 3041 que es lo que vengo diciendo hace meses el problema es global son todos los pve-conflicto de tierras del exilio nosé si en siptah pasará lo mismo me quiero comprar el DLC pero claro quién me garantiza a mi que no va a aver el mismo error


I don’t know if this will be helpful but my friend took some screenshots from 3041, hopefully others will be able to identify their base on the map:

Sorry there isn’t more, but I hope that helps you guys.

@MibsXX @OPT1MUS-PR1ME @Nenneke (If you know other 3041 players tag them please).

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La zona donde estaba el asentamiento de germánia, donde las arañas del desierto también esta. Y lo del azufre también está. Yo también soy del 3041.

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Dont see mine… :sob::sob:
One is from Germania and ger-exiles.

I did buy siptah but building there is impossibble.
Clans are claiming every corner with pillars and foundations.

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Sorry to hear that… :disappointed:
Where was your base located? Did you have a T4 altar?
If anyone can get in we will try to check the location… DM me if you don’t want to put the location here.

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El vuestro donde estaba exactamente. Si es donde estaba la araña grande del desierto, y en la cueva grande que habian muchas arañas y esqueletos, también estaban las construcciones en pie. Un saludo

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We are located at 9D. Up that big high thing next to the tradeway. I think that altar is my husbands altar. Big base upon it… and we have a little tavern next to the bridge of the betrayer. We dont have altar there

I try to get in every Day but didnt succeed that.

Its not the only server i have a base and lots of resources…

I hope they get a fix soon :sob:

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Do you mean the Jhebbal Sag altar, or the row of altars?
Anyway I will tell my friend to go there, or I will check myself if I can get in there. Or if anyone else can get in, and check at D9 that would be nice.
Really hope that your bases are ok. :crossed_fingers:

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Jhebbal sag altar is my husband.
Its the only altar we got.


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all bases are in place

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Man that’s the best April fool’s joke only in August. I was excited to log in and get back into 3041. But nope never ending loading screen. Then logged out and back in to Siptah 8024 only to try 3041 and… Infinite loading screen…

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