The Never Ending "Loading Screen" Story


Your liberal assumption of my own argument is flawed. I separated these two comments into their own paragraphs for a reason as the “dev bashing” and “post[s] voicing dissatisfaction” are unrelated. I am sorry if that was not clear for you, however your resulting false accusation was not my fault.

Also, you violated the community and social guidelines yourself in just your single post, multiple times:


Your posts should include content relevant to the gameplay, story, and world of Conan Exiles and be relevant to the category it is posted in. Feel free to speak about lore, characters, and features.

Topics and replies with vague or no context, or lacking information, will be removed because there is nothing to discuss. This includes bumping a thread for the sake of bumping it, especially if a topic has gone quiet. There’s a reason it went quiet.

Posts made with the sole purpose of upsetting or angering other users are not allowed. All posts have to be made in the spirit of mutual respect.

Examples of posts that break the Content Rule include, but are not limited to:

  • Rage/Rant Posts
  • “I quit” posts


Trolling is posting to provoke others, luring them to flame or rant. Trolling is sometimes done involuntarily, so please be considerate when posting. Trolls hinder discussion and reflect poorly on this community as a whole; don’t feed them. “Trolling" means that the user misleads or antagonizes others or acts overtly contrarian.

Examples include, but are not limited to, baiting comments; comments intended to get a rise out another user.


An accusation against another person’s or organization’s integrity, business practices, etc. is only allowed if the accuser has sufficient evidence. This is to prevent doomsaying, panic, and misinformation.

Any submission or comment that lacks sufficient accusation evidence will be locked or removed with zero tolerance.

Be Agreeable, Even When You Disagree

You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But remember to criticize ideas, not people . Please avoid:

  • Name-calling
  • Ad hominem attacks
  • Responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content
  • Knee-jerk contradiction

Instead, provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation.

Always Be Civil

Nothing sabotages a healthy conversation like rudeness:

  • Be civil. Don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech. This includes usernames.
  • Keep it clean. Don’t post anything obscene or sexually explicit.
  • Respect each other. Don’t harass or grief anyone, impersonate people, or expose their private information. This also includes usernames.
  • Respect our forum. Don’t post spam or otherwise vandalize the forum.

These are not concrete terms with precise definitions — avoid even the appearance of any of these things. If you’re unsure, ask yourself how you would feel if your post was featured on the front page of the New York Times.

This is a public forum, and search engines index these discussions. Keep the language, links, and images safe for family and friends.

I understand you are frustrated with the dev bashing comments, however personally attacking people and then undermining yourself completely by breaking multiple rules does nothing to help the community, the game, or the team. You had said earlier:

and this

I believe these are good ideals and I agree with them. You did not display either of these within the above quoted text.

I don’t acquiesce to the fallacious ad hominem and hasty generalization arguments provided.

I appreciate you creating this thread and taking the time to respond to everyone including me, but if you want the boat to sink you will go with it.

@LordKAA im not surprised…i knew something was up lol… now i know who you are…but thats my backup server, can you find our main server?? Because that one is LITERALLY broken.


It’s been a mess and it still is.
Not just in the game we all obviously care about, but also in the world we take a break from to play that game.
Rough times are made worse when our preferred leisures are impacted. Just when we needed something we enjoy the most, it, like so much else in these trying times, is not working as it should.
And popping back every once and awhile reminds me a bit of my time in the Army.
Hurry up and wait.
What a mess.

I’d give y’all a growler of the ginger beer I just brewed, or some of the pear port that’s finally ready to be tapped if I could. We all need, no, deserve a cold drink and a chance to chill.


for those of us that play on PlayStation PVE-C servers, the game has been broken for a looong time.

It is very unfortunate that this issue has not been resolved in a more timely fashion.

I am disappointed.


Sounds amazing! I can’t think of anything more refreshing than an ice cold ginger beer!

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@LordKAA. Well, if Funcom ever decides to delete my complaints, more and more thats fine with me, because im just getting more and more ready to delete this game. I dont WANT to. I WANT them to succeed and have an ACCURATE pulse on the community. Despite what your rose colored glasses show you, the player base on PS4 is tanking, I dont care what is happening on PC… Even though I doubt theyre doing all that much better, respectively.

By you likening some of our comments to “trolling” literally made my blood boil. This was an ongoing issue that some of us, YES EVEN BEFORE YOU, have been complaining about and it falls on deaf ears or a generic and/or untrue response is given. In these cases, “Hi Funcom, thanks for disrespecting me, you guys are awesome” doesnt work… The “Three musketeers” comment is actually trolling by the way, I think youre just mad that few like your posts. Why? Because they sound like someone who cares more about Funcom then the actual community and the game itself.

I mean, we gave suggestions… We suggested that since no one could get in at any time, that they remove decay. They waited forever to do so (I lost my base of almost 3 years) they did it NOT because they cared about our bases, but because they knew they wanted to throw this on the backburner, and THROW THEY DID, because now we are on the floor behind the oven. If they cared about the players, THRALL DECAY would have been implemented too which was a logical assumption. These things are not okay… You are not helping anything by telling them theyre doing a great job, because sorry bro… They arent.



Thank you for your reply, but there are some problems.

The problem with saying you made no assumptions is that you immediately say this following:

I already explained that I made the post in a specific manner. I am sorry that you were confused by the wording. However, I was speaking separately about the groups and you are lumping them all into the same pile to provide an argument.

I am aware of the terminology, but providing an urban dictionary definition of the word does not make it any less derogatory. Also, per the exact definition you provided, do I still qualify as a lurker if I have now posted?

If you were following the fourm but not posting you would also qualify as a lurker by your own provided definition.

We can debate semantics to no avail all day, however, I digress.

No, I disagree with this assertion. A real Funcom community administrator would have to be the final judge on whether the comment classifies as ad hominem but I will not flag your posts to do the same curtesy you patted yourself on the back for:

You must assume what intent is, as intent is not content. Ergo, you are still in breach of community guidelines. As you pointed out yourself later on:

Your point is moot by contradiction. Further evidence is the full sentence:

Key wording here is:


Key wording:

Correlation does not equal causation. The fact that there are likes from certain people present does not prove anything as you have likes from the same people on your posts, even the one with the evidence. If we go down that rabbit hole then are bashing both of us.

A community guideline states the following:

Be Agreeable, Even When You Disagree

You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But remember to criticize ideas, not people . Please avoid:

  • Name-calling

Key wording here:

This does not follow what you had said previously:

A joke to one is an insult to another. These are not facts and were made in bad faith. This is also why I described what you have said as ad hominem.

You said it best yourself:

Now to address the main topic. Again, I made the distinction between two groups and you have lumped them all in together. It is hard for me to argue anything when you continue to assume my position.

So there are no further assumptions made, I do agree that dev bashing does not add anything to the discussion. However, what discussion is really present? I have not posted in a while because there was no in-depth discussion of what was happening to game. Funcom has been very silent on the matter for gratuitous amounts of time and the problems present have affected people’s ability to enjoy the game. The frustration is enormous and until the issue is fixed it will only fester.

Again, I agree that the dev bashing does not contribute to a discussion, but there is no discussion going on here and a ton of very high emotions. The devs are concerned with more important matter than one thread. If there were concerned with what was being said they would have addressed it. I made no defense for or commentary on the dev bashing posts because of these reasons.

Please don’t take anything I have said personally, I am attempting to find a neutral ground with you to have a civil discussion. If you would like that then we can do that, but voicing genuine dissatisfaction at the game or company performance can and should be a part of the discussion.

So there is no assumption made: the contents of what I believe to be genuine dissatisfaction are: “the game or company performance.” This does NOT include particular developers (i.e., assumption of developer competence or dev bashing)

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@TreyRex92 thank you! I agree 100% I want to delete this game but I can’t bring myself to do so. I had high hopes for this issue to be resolved but as more time goes on my optimism is declining rapidly. I’m beginning to believe this will never get fixed. Sad to say :disappointed_relieved:
@LordKAA I’m not here to make friends or entertain your timely rebuttals. I originally came here to help the devs get a hold of these broken servers. Which we did… but now, months/ multiple patches later I’m only here to voice my frustration over the same BROKEN servers we are still plagued by. So until the day that myself, Madman92981, TreyRex92, Rollotomozi and all the others can log into our original PvE-C server that we called home for so long i will continue to voice my frustration!
I ask the gods please bring us back to our exiled lands and spite anything and everyone who stands in our way, for this has gone on far too long without consequences. Crom, bring your wrath upon the server maintenance team!
-all jokes aside, FUNCOM, PLEASE LET US PLAY CONAN AGAIN! @Community


@Morg_Hyperion well said, much respect


First they took your server and your riches. Then they took your thralls and your pride. Finally, they left you to die. What will you do, exile, when there is nothing left to do but to live or die?


BTW that I am thinking that there is only one 5 hour student working on it is no dev bashing. Its just how it looks to me after waiting over 8 month for a solution. The student is my only hope… I love him :sweat_smile:
But seriously…I think actually there is not even the student…


I’m sorry you felt that way, but your specific comment in that case could be seen as trolling. In the sense that you are misinforming other users.

Please understand that I did not create that post to single anyone out, but I did it to defend my position against someone who was claiming that nothing said was against the guidelines.

I understand this problem far predates my topic, as I have included multiple topics that originated months before. I personally sent in tickets months prior to my post.
However when I realised it was a widespread issue I decided to do the best I could to show Funcom, and unite the community.

I know that the game is sadly tanking. I have seen multiple servers obliterated. Nearly all my PvP servers are empty…

I agree it could be seen that way, as I said I was being facetious, and I apologised for that. I could have easily worded it in a much more neutral tone.
I didn’t mean it in a derogatory way as the musketeers were some of the most elite soldiers of their time.

I am not that petty. If I wanted likes I would tow the line and not stand out with what I know is an unpopular opinion.
I hope you accept that my initial post was made with everyone’s best interests at heart.

I was not “confused” by the wording, as I said you clearly stated the “reason” for dev bashing. When there is simply no justification.

There is nothing derogatory about lurking. I accept you probably don’t like internet slang.
However it describes a specific scenario which you admitted to.
I often lurk in many forums myself, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Yes exactly, I was lurking.

I’m sorry but you continue to argue in bad faith. You brought up the guidelines, informing me that no one had breached them. Are you an admin?

Nor is it tone.
I would argue that as you now accept dev bashing is unnecessary, your initial response only existed to be contrarian, and therefore gain favour amongst other members.

Yes, you implied that dev bashing was justified because people were waiting a long time, and that no guidelines were broken. Then you backpedal to accept that it isn’t, and accept that you didn’t have the authority to judge the guidelines. Despite this you are still attempting to use them to reinforce your argument.
Again further proving the intent of your original statement.

Except when it does.

I accepted that, and apologised. I’m not perfect, and will accept my wrongdoings it was not the time to be facetious.
If you don’t accept my apology, I can offer nothing else.

Thank you we got there in the end.

We are on the internet, I don’t take anything personally. I am slightly disappointed that you didn’t apologise for threatening me, but I have thick skin, and would prefer that everyone took their anger out on me rather than any of the funcom staff.

This is our neutral ground, as that is exactly the point I made in my original post that you felt was disputable at the time.


The point I was going to make is that since I realised how widespread this was I have been farming on multiple servers so that when I am certain that this issue is resolved, I will be giving away resources, and helping people farm, and rebuild.
Hopefully server transfer will be available soon but if not I already have more than enough to help a large portion of the contributors to this post.

I don’t need friends, but as I said before I will go to the extremes to give back to this community, and that includes the staff.

I have a deep appreciation for the smaller things. Even if CE doesn’t exist tomorrow, no one can take away the many hours that I have enjoyed the game.

We are all suffering right now, maybe even losing people close to us, and the same is true of the developers, and staff. I just wanted to try to calm the situation before it got out of control but it backfired big time.


I check this forum once a week to see if Funcom has fixed Conan yet and this week I see I am tagged in a massive wall of text. I see that @LordKAA has way too much free time.

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Yes I agree, I’m in quarantine right now. :slightly_smiling_face:

  • Edit: I have deleted the post so nobody else gets upset about being named. Have a good day.
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I don’t think you would be saying that if you saw the post. :joy:


Ey buenos días desde España nos dejo entrar en el servidor pero solo fue segundos teníamos nuestras casas y todo pero estoy muy descontento por nos an dejado con las ganas en el tiempo de demolición pone ------- me explican si lo van a arreglar o no por favor


Ayer pude darle unos minutos en mi antiguo server 3041 de pve c Europa. Si alguno me lee quiero decir que estaba todo en pie,lo unico que los seguidores estaban desaparecidos. Poco a poco creo q se ve la luz para los servidores pve c Europa.


Gracias por la informacion. :slightly_smiling_face:


I know plenty of players were upset they could not get into the servers months ago. Then it got the never ending loading screen. About half a year ago we got feedback about the server but said they were still looking into it. When is this going to get resolved? We would like to get back on the server and have fun. But if you cannot fix the server let everyone know they will never be able to play it again. I mean enough is enough this should have been resolved before the pandemic hit when it was first brought up before it was unplayable. Or get some talent that knows how to fix it.


That is a great question!
Id really like to see the decay timers turned back on.
3827 server is so clutered with spam building.