I used to play this game 6 days a week with lots of hours in after work. After the servers got shutdown I didn’t want to buy Siptah. But I did. Needless to say with servers decay off the game lost it’s luster. I gave up and started playing Scum on PC. More interesting and fun with no problems until the game I played before… Cough cough…
Fingers crossed… good luck funcom, hope this works!
Testing more servers now, but so far all have worked! Hope everyone is able to connect, and hasn’t lost too much.
Good luck
So far I have tested:
3827 (Not previously affected)
3829 (Not previously affected)
They all work! I believe that is all of them, but I’m double checking…
at last
Thank you for the double-check @LordKAA
And, as always, if you note any issues along the way please poke us and we will investigate!
Alas, not for me it seems.
Server 3053 is not loading, I am still ‘in limbo’ on the loading screen as I actually type this, and have been for a while (20 mins and counting)
I use a PS4 - with broadband connection.
Ah well, ces’t la vie.
Maybe the next update… lol
@LordKAA 3828 was definitely affected… it has been down for 8 months. I’m downloading now and will test soon.
Thank you @Community for sticking with this issue, and maintaining a friendly, and professional approach throughout.
Thanks everyone who contributed here for (attempting) to keep on topic, and (mostly) not being toxic. We had our moments, but at nearly 700 posts it could have been a lot worse… It’s been emotional.
I have now triple checked every single PlayStation PvE-C server, and can confirm they are all operational.
I will check them all again after server restarts, but so far so good!
That’s weird.
Works for you but not for me.
I will test this some more…
It’s working for me. Can anyone else test it?
Yes apologies, I got mixed up with 3827. Edited previous post to reflect my error.
Stop the press!
I tried a second time, and it just worked! can confirm upon the second try server 3053 is working for me now!
I can play! and my base is still here! and my horse!..and my shiny things! and…and…kjdwebjfgwejhfbhjkwefnkjewnfkjdnf
Crompox has left the chat
Whoooooohoooooooo!!! I’m so glad your stuff is O.K!
Decay timers are still off in PVE-C 3827. As one of the only PVE-C servers running on ps4 these past number of months, we really need the decay timers to be enabled again.
They will get round to it, but I feel your pain… Let’s just make sure that everything is definitely resolved for everyone (which is what Ignasi stated earlier).
Then we can hassle them about turning decay back on.
3053 working. my base still there but my all fighter thralls gone. well ok im happy with that.
Hey everybody,
Glad to hear the latest fix is helping you finally get back to your bases and servers.
We’ll keep monitoring the situation for the next few hours and if we see it has generally helped the majority affected by the issue, we’ll reestablish the default server settings on the official servers affected
Thank you Ignasi for the help, and for those responsible for the fix / patch (including those who bothered to report it also).
Alas, I got overexcited. My trusty steed did not survive nor my thralls (at least none not working in workbenches), but the majority of my base did, so all things considered, pretty lucky really.
We should just take a minute to remember all those poor thralls who died of starvation.
Logged into 3052 and base was like I left it on may, empty though since no thralls but I knew that would be the case.
Hey everyone,
Quick update: Next week we’ll re-enable decay on PvE-C servers.
We will soon post an announcement with more details.
Thank you for letting us know the update fixed this issue for you