The PVE Builder

You can get more info by submitting a Zendesk ticket and selecting “Ban Information (Why was I banned?)” as request type.

Um, look, I don’t have a nicer way to ask this, so I hope you don’t get offended, but did you actually read the rules? Because this an excerpt from the rules:

That’s because there isn’t one single rule, there are several rules you shouldn’t break.

Did you report that base? Contrary to what some people claim, I have never seen anyone from Funcom say that they will hang around on a server and comb it for infractions. They receive a report, they go look at it, and if it merits action, they act on it.

Hell, there’s even one part where they say they don’t have the time to dick around:

If they don’t have the time to carefully remove bits and pieces to avoid hurting anyone’s feelings, what makes people think that they’ll have time to go around looking for things that weren’t reported?

On the one hand, I agree with @Halk that giving out warnings would be nicer. On the other hand, I agree with @DaVice that this has been announced with a lot of time to spare, and people could have been proactive about cleaning up their messes. Seriously, nobody cares if you blocked a couple of rocks or bushes, but a whole boss? Didn’t anyone ever complain about it?