REJOICE! Jhebbal Sag stirs, awakened again by the blood to be spilt on his very doorstep.
The Sacred Hunt is on until April 1!
REJOICE! Jhebbal Sag stirs, awakened again by the blood to be spilt on his very doorstep.
The Sacred Hunt is on until April 1!
April 1?
Thank you Andy! It’s really appreciated.
I understand the purpose of events but the same 2 events being cycled in and out is a redundant nuisance and it jerks the players around. I like the Sacred Hunt and Bounty Hunting but I’m tired of being jerked around with the two. It’s a perversion of what events are in gaming. Will the Sacred Hunt and Bounty Hunting ever be a permanent feature? If the two events bring players back to the game, what happens when you take them out? Do the players that came back for it stay or do they only come for the event? Will there be more different events? Will Mek-Khamoses be coming back? Will the Fortress be coming back as an event after it is removed? What other events are coming?
It is going on on my private server given fangs to those interested no one knew what was going on. Poor way of doing business as far as I am concerned @darkpower
All i am curious to see is the new location of the werehyena boss now that Al Merayah is going to be removed.
From the original plan, each age was to have an event. Sorcery has headhunting, AoW had the sacred hunt. From what I understand, AoH was supposed to have a dregs dungeon addition.
They also have a default which are the encounters that happen when there isn’t an event going on.
What I would want to see is more continuity in them all. Magi and sorcerers killed still produce skulls across all events, the night stalking were-hyenas still hunt at night across all events. This provides trickles of event tokens to the player so that players that don’t like or cant grind are still very active playing the long but steady game.
Kurak’s Lair was originally supposed to be an event, but it became a permanent feature instead.
Thanks a million .