The Sacred Hunt: Until Jan 27

As we clear the holiday cobwebs from our brains, we neglected to mention The Sacred Hunt is currently active 2025-01-03T08:00:00Z2025-01-27T08:00:00Z.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Good hunting, exiles!


Figured that out when I was attacked in my base.

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Thanks for the info

Well, better late than never. Thanks for the 411.

Sometime, much later, it would be a great laugh to know what was supposed to happen that didn’t.

BTW, any comment over another hot fix coming for some of the other issues settlement/companions has opened up? (Specifically the Freya issue where she is stuck returning home status and any journey step requiring placing thralls on benches failing to close the journey step).

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We are looking to have a patch in January but I do not have an exact date yet.


“Here’s the heart doctor”. :dizzy_face:


while you are clearing cobwebs from your brains…here is another one.

thx for the update :slight_smile:

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thank you,

it takes a minute @AndyB to just tell us.

now for your consideration, please take this to the right teams.

  1. you guys have a mess with timers, and annoucements whatever is broken needs to be fixed, company cant announce things with hard dates and not do it, this has been the case since at least early december. and it is still happening.
  2. try to just let us know that there is somethiung coming, as you just did, if you dont have a date you can share, a good time frame , that you know funcom can meet will be enough. engagement is always positive, dont let us feel abandoned, it has been really bad on that front from funcom to us during at least the last 2 months.
  3. please please if you guys ever decide to drop the support further, let the players know, it is not cool and it is not good for funcom image to leave people hanging just playing hte guess game to see what the hell is going on.
  4. if by any chance funcom is unable to do what it is supposed to do on the dates funcom said it would do. as a token of respect, let people know about the changing of dates before deadlines.

this has never been a problem before, not as it has become now…

being said the above,
thank you for the update.


Any teasers regarding that patch?

Primarily a bug squashing endeavor or is there anything else coming out of the oven/in the pipeline?


It’s bugged for me though. I can’t go beyond the panther. I’m stuck in just that area unable to progress through