So where’s the patch? It’s time and no announcements yet.
What patch? LOLcom won’t fix anything
Someone else demanded information about the January update. It did not go well. If I had to guess as to when a possible update could drop? Maybe Thursday? Tinfoil + hat logic
There was a “hotfix” announced right after ch3 dropped, we were supposed to get it after their month off for xmas; bugs didn’t take a month off. My head tells me the 19th for some reason. But, as normal for funcom, wont be fixing the biggest issues everyone is complaining about. Those will be addressed; not fixed, not rolled back, just changed to something else, with the next chapter. So any “fixes” wont happen till what, March?
This is not how a developer stays in business, this is how a developer goes under. Lose a few hundred players here and there, and eventually you wont have a few hundred to lose.
It’s gotten to where I am spending more time waiting on funcom to fix what they broke, then playing.
It appears some content is consistent with the conan books. I agree that points to several items to… unbreak.
Yes, we all remember the promise of a patch with fixes in mid-January!
And we are waiting for him!
Hope is the last to die…
Mid Jan fix is live
Yes, 3.6 go to be download on steam starting at 19h02.
There was a huge bug-fix patch today. It didn’t fix my broken server, but we think it is an issue with GPortal, so we have to wait while Funcom works that out with them.
At least thralls busted out of cages on the island seem fixed.
This one hasn’t had an enemy moonwalks at them and stab them thru their own bodies since.
So there is progress.
They released a “hot fix” which didn’t fix any problems. Last straw for me and my friends. Its mind boggling how bad Funcom handled this. Byebye Conan Exiles.
Seems to me they fixed Camels (woot…) and err a bunch of stuff that didn’t really matter? And fixed nothing about the borked combat, the moonwalking npcs, the thralls thralling through founds, etc etc etc.
Demolishers with their depleted uranium battering rams was kinda important. Not that I’ve yet tested to see if that fix actually works, but it’s why I’ve been postponing trying to recruit a bartender for a month - I’d like to still have a base where to set up my bar.
Yeah good point, the Demolishers was a big issue. I forgot because I was using the Testerle mod fix for it most of my play time. Although the mod was not really necessary if you just wanted a bartender. Just run a level 1 purge or 3 and you’ll be breaking bonds with all the excess bartenders you’re getting and the demolishers will not get anywhere near your purge base if it’s just you and a good thrall, or even solo - could be a 3x3 sandstone base with a coffer in the middle - piece of cake.
But at least when you do get a bartender and bar, you get the pleasure of looking at all the utterly immersion breaking freaky ways they find to sit sideways or half buried in the chair or halfway up a gate door or standing in a corner staring at the other patrons like a freak who’s about to go postal. It’s such polished fun. A real feature.
Yeah, I did exactly that - set up a 3 by 3 platform to be purged - the FOB spawned almost on top of my little decoy base, so the tower archers were shooting me from the get-go. Annoying.
I even got a bartender and built a bar, but so far, no joy getting bugged patrons, or any patrons for that matter. Maybe my chairs aren’t attractive enough, or maybe I should ask the bartender to take off her shirt?
How many NPCs have you set free?