So before Christmas which was 20 days ago, we were told you had a patch in the works but no ETA on release we were told. So 20 days since that and no word from you Funcom on what is up, what you are working on and seems not much word on anything from you on the forums. What happened to this communicating more with your players, I am pretty sure you all said that on that on your last stream?
So where is the patch that fixes the issues added with the Horses and new Thrall system? Is there a patch being worked on Funcom? Are you going to release it soon? In the next month, 2 weeks what.
For many of us Thralls are beyond broken, they level then lose levels when you log back in, we level useless thralls to have to break bond then have to start over with a new thrall hoping you get a better roll. You place them and puff log back in and thrall is just gone, nothing on log just gone. These are issues we would like fixed, these are issues that frustrate your player base and no word from you all is even more frustrating.
No word on when you will be introducing the rest of your thrall purge down to the allowed amount?
No word on the issues with thralls not eating on a modded server, even though modders have given you information on how to fix this which you even told us they had in a comment.
Where is this open communicating with your player base as I am not seeing that happening or have I missed something, did I miss this post no, it seems we sit and wait , 14 days since New Year.
Wait are you all still on vacation? No not thinking that is problem but beginning to wonder if that statement about having better communicating with your players was what???
We all know you are busy but we all paid for content that is still broken would like some communication from the company we gave our money to for a broken product. When can we expect some word of when or even if we get some of these issues we got with the last patch fixed???
Come on Funcom communicate with us, we are here every day watching the forums, many helping with issues, playing your game.
BTW this is on your header - We’ve heard your cries! We’ve heard your pleas! These are the official Funcom Forums. We’re hoping to create a single source of information by which we can communicate with ALL of our friends and fans. Sad but does not happen!!