Unfortunately for us they have to take 3 weeks vacation that time is now. So we all need to just be patient until they are back. Yes they dropped a crucial patch at the worst time but nothing we can do other than wait i’m afraid. They did give us extended decay timers so maybe make use of it and take a break if it is to frustrating to play at the moment.
From my understanding, all of their homes and worldly possessions will be gone by that time. Oh right, they conveniently changed it right before leaving on THEIR vacations…
Yeah, its bad timing for vacation and guess everyone knows thats more then frustrating at the current state of the game.
But yeah the Devs are still Humans and they have worked hard the last weeks/months and of course we players want to play properly and lot of … okay nearly everything in this game is bugged but the devs also need some time for family and friends als take care of their health so… yeah just be patience. Currently we simple have to deal with this.
u dont have these issues ? sorry but thats a lie… These problems affect every official Server oO
or make a video and show me ur thralls in a purge or pvp
I’ve only seen this happen to two mobs. The two bearers at the camp outside of the pirate ship. If you need to aggro them, you can throw a water orb.
purge is bugged
I do see this, but it’s not like the purge is some daily source of amazing content. They’ll fix it in a week or so and you’ll miss out on one purge. Not a huge deal.
thralls are bugged
In what way? I have no issues with my thralls.
own corpse simply disappears
I haven’t seen this happen since literally day one of launch.
weather&hunger&thirst system bugged
crafting bugs
interaction bugs
wall bugs
These are all vague. I have no idea what you mean. I can’t recall any issues with weather, hunger, thirst, or crafting. I don’t know what “interaction bugs” mean. I don’t know what “wall bugs” mean.
server crashes and everything is lost
Again, never seen this.
The DLC is cosmetic, it’s made by a different team and was likely being worked on before the game even launched.
Actually no, lots of these listed bugs are in the game.
Opponents frequently do not attack, they even come to your side and will stand idle unless attacked first
Same happens to Thralls, thralls will not attack unless damaged (sometimes taking damage isnt enough and they will remain passive) OR if you are damaged on their sight, that means, if your base is hit by a offline Purge your thralls might not assist defending your base.
Corpse bug has never been fixed, just last night I died of starvation in my own base (was semi AFK) and respawned on my other base. Killed myself and respawned on the base I died, my body was not there! I was forced to leave the house, run far away and come back, then I could see my body. This still happens to NPCs, by simply looking another direction dead NPC bodies might vanish from your render, same with thralls, when you knock a thrall and it “sinks” in the ground that only means it vanished from your render and you have to run outside render view and come back to find the knocked out thrall
I only noticed the first one and from time to time at that. Can you elaborate on the others? - Might be more constructive than just stupidly ranting away.
You know I think it is hilarious how every post you have on here is either defending the broken game or telling everyone else how they are wrong about the game. Seriously everyone go back and read his post on the forums. Are you paid by Funcom? Or have some other agenda on here? You always say how you do it have any of these bugs and such and your game is so fine. So why are you always on these forums? I mean I would think if your game is in such a great state then you would be playing the game and not here telling others that they are wrong. It is not a damn server problem. It is not an internet problem. It is a development problem. And until everyone everywhere starts to stand up to this kind of thievery then the game business as a whole will remain the same.
Funcom’s quality control on their patching is atrocious given the issues apparent within hours of playing immediately after ut was released. A company with testers and a testlive system has some serious internal issues to deliver a patch like that recent one. I have experienced issues in all the areas mentioned by the OP. I suspect thrall AI was “optimised” to lead to the less satisfying game experience we have now with lack of response. I fought in New Asagarth and npcs stood around, went pasive quickly, etc. What was a too easy fight is now pathetic. Given how Joel feels it was a mistake to add NPCs anyway, maybe the devs think it’s ok to scale back AI routines. Bad call IMO, they’re in the game and players want them to behave as expected.
People say these bugs aren’t server related but I do think that maybe some could be possibly as I have played on a few servers but mostly on 3 official servers on PS4 and 1 private one (But only briefly on this one.)
On the server I use most I have only encounter a few issues. Hardly any bad issues and no game breaking ones, just minor ones.
Owned Thralls don't attack
Thralls fall through the ground
Purge is broken.
The occasional Foundation disappearing. (Hasn't happened for two weeks now)
Those are the only issues I have on the server I play the most. Use to have issue with body disappearing but that hasn’t happened since the last couple patches came out.
However on one of the other official servers I experienced a whole lot more of the bugs people have mentioned.
opponents do not attack
purge is bugged
thralls are bugged
interaction bugs (Cannot interact with wheels of pain easily since last update)
wall bugs (Sometimes when the game loads me in the walls have no collision and I can float over foundations)
server crashes (Only happened once within the second week of its release but my character still had all his items that were equipped at least.)
In general my experience testing servers and sticking mostly to one server over the last few weeks has been pretty good and stable.
It’s not accurate to say that everyone is experiencing all the same bugs or crashes when lots of players have had hardly any issues at all.
For instance in all my testing of servers and many buildings built I have not had any items disappear as in chests, Thralls or items placed on triangle foundations.
Only 5 wooden foundation blocks and a trebutchet. Not game breaking at all and the event log said that was due to the ruin system.
The fact not everyone is experiencing all the same bugs makes it a bit harder to fix I would assume.
The answer of the question is yes. They give a sht and much more. I’m the most critical user in this forums about Funcom policy and the way they have to manage their resources, but they are one of the most responsive staff wit their community. Precisely, they have released the 500 patch before being ready, only for our preassure on this forum. And that has clearly been a mistake. We must be fair, otherwise, our complaints will become just annoying noise.