The SWL NPC/Organisation relationship chart

Page 2 from that mission mentions lumi headhunters, but doesn’t confirm or deny if she was actually recruited.

I already mentioned this earlier in this thread. Just go talk to him. In his dialog he talks about being a member of the Four and Sixty, but he left because he says they care too much for mortal affairs. He does not mention the Eight as far as I’m aware, though.

Sarah was the protégé of Arturo. I don’t remember anything mentioning her being in the Illuminati, but if it did exist then that would be weird and go against in-game canon. She was definitely an agent of the Council. The Cry Gaia wiki does have her listed as Illuminati, though, but the Wiki’s accuracy is and always has been pretty nebulous.

It pulls it up, but I can’t get past the “enter your birthday” bullcrap. That doesn’t function properly in the archive.