The zone master achievement not unlocking

Hello and how are you?I recently tried your game MYZ and to my surprise this game was a treat and I really enjoyed my time it and I hope a dlc or a sequel to be released, and I hope that the next com takes ur approch with the stealth aspect, it was a one of the best experiences in 2019…but it ended on soar taste…I am what u call an achievement hunter and completionist and to my bad luck I faced a glitch in ur “the zone master” achievement which requires to unlock all other achievements which I did but the tracker for this achievement was stuck at 94%
My platform is xbox one and I read on so many forums that this is a glitch happening to some players and I happened to be one.
If u can kindly arrange a patch to finish this matter once and all.
Keep up the good work and thank u in advance


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