Thrall feeding system

Here you go and well I have notice that some members have posted on my topic as well as I have noticed that some of the silence lately to me kind of shows that the players may have gotten through to them or have a effect on how they will develop it.

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Go on a pvp server and go explode and start trying to raid someone. Then let’s talk about the lag when the game is having to render in entire sections of a wall coming down, all the thralls and everyone else who is playing stuff at the same time. I will admit though, that has gotten ALOT better in the past week and a half when they did some hot fixes.

It might be more of a casual experience of PVE and PVE-C and I do really like the idea of PVE-C but it defeats the purpose of having explosives so I don’t play there. I like to protect the noobs and lower levels on the server and raid the clans who actively hunt those who are weaker. But not trying to instigate or start stuff here but I have never really seen that many people on PVE servers, but then again, I have never really checked. So I will eat my words if I am wrong. Got no problems with that.

Well if this goes live I can tell you there will be a lot less people playing PVE.

The dev team should really consider the different needs of each server type before blanket-implementing features such as this. People play on PVE a lot differently than they do PVP. The game in PVE is more about sandbox base construction, RP, collecting thralls, etc.

For example, one of the major endgame activities (as lame as it might sound to some people) is collecting unique named thralls to put around your base. These are very rare spawns, requiring days worth of camping spots for them. So to tell people who spent literal days farming these special thralls that they must log in every day to farm a bunch of different food materials or have them die on them is pretty bad. Just sharing my perspective.


This system will be great don’t let the troll comments say otherwise. They said the exact same thing about purges and look real survival players love it. This system will bring the game further.

Only troll I see here is you, friend.

And there is still a pretty decent sized PVE population who are still against offline purges. You don’t speak on behalf of all ‘real survival players’, sorry.


Please keep your posts to the original topic.

The feeding system is a great way to make sure nobody on official servers gain to much power and keeps it. Example: A clan of 5 has placed groups of 40 thralls throughout the world. They surrounded the obelisk, the entry desert, the volcanoes and many more. Now how is someone going to take all that down? Now you have an official server not playable or room to expand because of this. But now with the system. Feed the mass amounts of numbers you have or watch the numbers dwindle. Now other players can actually stand a chance and build a little village. There are numerous pages with Pve players requesting it as well due to no other npc actions currently out… If your scared about losing your stuff on a pvp servers thats just it, the next guy is going to wipe you off the map its “pvp”. If your on a pve server no excuse taking 5 min out your day to feed npcs that dont even move.Yes, pve players do have a edge without worrying little Jimmy is going to hack them when not looking. Feeding thralls is a scary system but down the road you will adapt and not even notice its really there at higher levels. This is a survival upkeep game. Hence the reason a repair hammer is added.

Then shouldn’t this be fixed by correcting the code insteaf of adding a new mechanic? And here’s the thing… I build a foundation, pillar, and ceiling tile stacked. I then place a thrall with full equipment, bow out, fill it with food, and walk away. In a few hours because of the accelerated decay time on small structures, the thrall becomes suspended in air. It lasts as long as food is there and you still have immortal thralls, at least until the food runs out. The food mechanic doesn’t chance the core issue. Thralls should obey the laws pf gravity!


Even if they did obey the laws of gravity they are there on the ground then. They still don’t just go away. And then at least this way they will actually die and someone won’t have to take time out of their game play to go shoot 100 thralls in the air for a hour or two because of it. They will starve and die. And sure you can just kill them on a pvp server but only during raid time. And then that is only a specific example of once a base is decayed away. What about the 3 or 4 big bases that are stuffed with them that the clans don’t use but keep refreshing the decay timer? What about those? What about all those thralls?

On PVE servers the way we get rid of them is by luring world bosses to them. Now, not ideal and certainly doesn’t work in -every- place… but it says something that I’d prefer leaving it like it is than introducing this system as a solution.

@Burtonkc08 if you think it’s only going to take “5 minutes” to feed your thralls each day I don’t know what to tell you. It takes that long to simply boot the game and load everything in…

And it’s kinda amusing to me that you keep mentioning how easy is is to feed npcs that ‘don’t even move’. I don’t think anyone here is complaining about the mechanical difficulty of opening an NPC’s inventory…

It’s simply the time and monotony involved in farming various food items, cooking it, and keeping it in stock constantly that bothers people (if that wasn’t obvious to you). No one wants to do that.

If you think this is going to stop griefers from doing their griefing think again; they will do it anyway. Those people tend to have nothing but time, and if they have to complete one more step to do it then they certainly will. There is nothing stopping them; this is not a solution. The only real solution to that would be to gee I don’t know, have moderated servers. But that is a whole other issue.

Thanks for your comment @jynx others will take it into consideration.

If it took less than 5 minutes a day to feed 20 thralls would that be acceptable to you? Any more time than that and this system will definitely not go over well in a PVE/-C environment. We need defense for wayward offline purges, otherwise a good chunk of the player base will just walk away with a sour impression.

For people who only have an hour or two a day to play, or only time on weekends, this system takes a lot away from the sandbox element. You lose a lot of the time you’d normally spend working on making materials to expand your base by instead performing maintenance. Playing Solo/Coop is not a solution, as much of the enjoyment comes from socializing in the limited time we get.


@Enyo You’re right, even if it took less than 5 minutes a day it would still not go over well with me personally. I too usually only get to play during weekends nowadays. This is a big ‘screw you’ to players like us, who don’t log in daily.

I was just pointing out that at least in its current state, it appears to be a lot more effort than just 5 minutes. Which makes matters even worse.

It is no coincidence that players who support this seem to all come from PVP. On PVP you basically have to play every day or risk losing your stuff to offline raids. Everything is in flux. On PVE it’s a completely different and much more casual atmosphere, and that’s why a lot of people enjoy it.

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The current feeding system has a bunch of flaws anyway.

1 - Hunger Meter: Why do they need a hunger meter like us? In their current state they eat the moment their hunger drops. That is a lot of wasted food. People are also not getting that gruel gives at max 1 (?) hunger each, resulting in a stack of 100 going down in less than an hour!

2 - Feeders Distribution: The range is too small and we have no way to know who’s in range unless your base is full of only named thralls. If a thrall is out of range you’re screwed! Also, distributing a whole stack or two per thrall when the feeder itself doesn’t offer that much storage is going to make people having to resupply it daily.

3 - Inventory Problems: Thralls have the tendency of unequipping their weapons. With an inventory of 5 slots. Let’s say you have a fighter with a weapon and shield, that’s 2 of the 5 slots. The current feeder gives I believe two stacks to each thrall in range, making it 4 of 5 slots full. Add rotten meat because ti will happen, and poof! Thrall inventory is full.

Now that was a fighter who uses less slots, what about archer thralls? They need a slot for a bow, arrows AND weapons. Won’t that conflict with the minuscule inventory they have? I’m sure it will.

4 - Food Requirements: Let’s not kid ourselves, they won’t be eating everything, else they would have been from the get go. They will increase their accepted foods just like pets. Some foods are easy to come by (Exotic Meat for instance), while others are a not that easy (Fish) now that systems have been put in place to nerf it.

5 - Thrall Behavior: As previously mentioned, thralls are a buggy mess and behave sporadically, often not doing anything. When you are implementing a system like this, the recipients should be functioning as best as they should. When you have thralls who bug out, run near other players and never coming back at their original spot, falling through foundations and what not, this poses a serious danger to their survivability.

I’m sure there’s more points that can be added, but this topic has been risen so much it’s just repeating the same things now, so I’ll end the rant here. Feel free to debate my points or add more, that’s the point of a forum after all to have civil discussions.


Read the “time” argument several times. But that this as en example: 150 thralls eating 3 Gruel a day is 450 Gruels, or 45 seeds and 225 plant fibers. Seriously 10 minutes of harvesting and you got food for way more then one day so time should not be a factor here to something that adds immersion.

With that said I would like to see a crafting station that servers the hot meals to the thralls. A crafting station that automatically serves thralls in an area around it as long there is food in the nation your thralls i the area are fed. That way you don’t need to serve a meal to all the thralls yourself.

What day you mean? Ingame day?
As it currently stands it appears to be much more than your 3 Gruel a day and Thrall otherwise there would not be that much outcry here.

I am supporting the idea of feeding Thralls if you can put 1 bowl down and put food in it that lasts about a week or so.

What I do not want is to be forced to be online everyday and spend an hour just to grind meat I do not consider that fun as others do.

When I selected the spot for my base I was thinking about production and protection (from Purges because I play PVE).
My friend and I have a decent base now which is producing enough food, mostly (shell)fish.
I would not have mind to use the excess food to give my Thralls but since they managed to change the way fish work too, I would have to go for meat.

Sure meat itself is no big issue, but I have to collect special meat, not for all type of Thralls but every Type got different tastes.
I would have to gather the recipes first since I focused on collecting those I need for my player character.

While my current play-through I got plenty of unnecessary grind.
Had to tear down my two biggest buildings and rebuild them because of not working game-mechanics.
Lost T4 Thralls because they just vanished underground, this after grining a spot for hours, with the coming patch I will have to redesign my fish production and, since the pet shelters are so darn big, I have to think about how to implement them in my main base.
Do not get me wrong, I was looking forward to integrate them but not expecting all 3 Tiers to be that big.

Anyway, seems we never get to the point were we get a major change not being accompanied by 100 little changes as well :slight_smile:

We are talking about SERVER side performance problems. You can check debug HUD and server fps and I assure you the lower server fps open the gates wide open to all kinds of exploits that have been around from day 1.

I play every night PVP official and private. I hate the idea of feeding thralls. I may only get some rhinos because they eat plant fiber, that will be enough grind time for me and then get back to making orbs and bombs.

They don’t eat gruel.

I understand the need for some system to address the thrall issues on PVP servers, but it should be an option to disable on private or PVE servers. As it is, if you do not increase the rate of harvest for materials, you can spend one day (This means your few hours or even less than an hour) of you available time to play usually performing a single task.

A solo game can progress like this, but doesn’t have to: day 1 - collect ore and coal, Day 2 - collect wood, bark, and sticks, Day 3 explore to find desired thralls, day 4 - explore in general, day 5 - find/complete a dungeon, day 6 - craft/build and repair decay.


Now add gather\cook food for no reason, unless purges are enabled.

I think it is a mechanic that should not be in PVE, but understand the need for something on PVP servers.