The follower command system has broken the thralls. Before, I could just aggro an enemy by either Bow or melee, and my thrall would attack all enemies in the area. Now, hitting an enemy with an arrow does not aggro my thrall at all. Thralls will run towards enemy and run right back to me. Thralls will attack one enemy and not the other 4 that are 1 meter away for example. Thralls will get stuck and not move or attack or follow me. I’ve tried all different thrall settings: 10 meters, 15 meters etc. Attack all enemies, guard me etc. Lets just face the fact that it’s broken.
Another thing i’ve noticed is if multiple clan mates are together with their own thralls, at least 1 thrall will not do anything. How about we just roll it back and you guys can go back to test live and work out the problems. I spend half my time now babysitting my thralls. The thrall behavior was much more stable and consistent before this update and hotfix. I have 3 new players who started playing the day of the last follower update, and they can even see how broken the thralls are. Roll it back PLEASE.
How is this not fixed yet? Was the bug ticket set to low prio and backlogged for some reason?
I just tried to go fight the Red Mother, and my thrall just kept getting stuck inside the ground, like, unable to see the top of her head stuck. So the npc resets and regains all health.
How is this game still so buggy? Might I suggest prioritizing bug fixes for a few sprints, and then going back to releasing more buggy content? Please?
I don’t mean to be a stick in the mud here, but I’ve tried to come back to this title more times than I can count now, I keep hearing that it’s “Better” just to come back and find more bugs than before.
So, Funcom producers, if you’re reading this (it appears someone there is), lets focus on bug fixing for a bit, yeah?
This finally happened to me yesterday. Outside Sepermaru farming rhinos my bearer thrall got stuck on a harvestable stone. Small scorpion attacked him and he did not defend himself. Did not respond to any commands. I think I moved far enough away to teleport him, but I could be wrong. He was only freed after I manually moved him. I didn’t attempt to break the stone, because visually, it didn’t look like he could have been clipped into it. It looked like he was standing next to it.