Thrall leveling up suggestions

Something had occurred to me when I was playing Conan today and I know way that thralls the level up during the purge though not as much as if they were part of the party but at least passively I guess you were saying while the purge going on and they get kills they get experience points for it

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Hey there! :slight_smile:

So - one of my favorite ways to level up thralls is to take them through the Unnamed City. The skeletons and the bosses in there grant very good XP. Alternatively, running some of the dungeons is also a good idea. Give you a crack at some legendary chests. While getting some XP for your dudes.

You can level a thrall instantly up to level 20 (or, at least, you used to be able to) by running the PvE raid: al-Merayah. When you defeat the final guy (Nimlot-BakaDesu, or something close to that), it awards a huge amount of XP that can zip your thrall right up to 20. Just be careful. The Stygian’s protecting the fort can hit kind of hard. And a thrall that is left unattended will get clobbered and DBNO’d for sure.

I think there is some debate over whether or not this is the best method. Because while feeding your thrall food (Steaks for vitality, for example), you can boost the chance for them to raise their stats. I have not tested it myself… but I have heard said that if you raise them all the way up to 20 all at once, they miss out on the higher percentage chance to boost their stats. The only way to be sure to get that is to level them one level at a time. (The classic QUALITY versus QUANTITY delima.)

Anyway - hope that gives you some ideas. Best of luck with your leveling! :slight_smile:


Best leveling up system for me is:
Exiles lands:Spiders,fast leveling not so much penalties.
Isle of Siptah:Wolves,fast leveling not so much penalties.
Medium armour,or light.Weight kit applied and armour new or repaired.
Medium weapon,steel for almost any kind of tribe,hardened steel for heavy fighters.
Just gruel,quick healing effect and not so much penalties.
Maybe you can give them steack,pork,fish until level 5,as much until level 7,them,just gruel.
Rest at a campfire,give them food and alcohol…best is that meat taken from kudos,not steack,the other.Salted food,honey food…give them at least 5-10 portions,just ONE alcohol each 2-3 resting at a campfire.
At level 10-15 you can try bosses and dungeons,320 grit with 1400 live can,2800 HP life points with not so much strenght or grit can,35-50 strenght with not so much live can.Best is a medium for all,agility 15-20,strenght 30-45,live 2500-2800,Grit 15-30.
Never give them best healing food,or give them heavy armour or weapon.Penalty stats will hurt you to the bones!!!

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Not anymore :blush:.
Now the meta is the purge golems, kill one 0-19, kill the second lvl 20. Use star metal weapons to kill fast.
Just summon purge lvl 6 and higher!

But this is not what i wish!

I want an automated mechanic of lvling thralls with stats direction.
Sepermeru can have a trainer where you give your thrall, pay the humongous amount of gold, 10k for example and you receive it the next day the way you ask it to be.
For perks we have the potions, so no problem!
However the mechanic that already exists must stay, some people find reason of gaming leveling thralls!
I love to travel with camels, no engagement of any thrall in my fights

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