Game mode: Online official Type of issue: Bug Server type PvE Region: Europe
I have huge problems with my fighter thralls. Frequently they do not attack my targets- they just stand there.
I’m sure you know this complaint very well by now. It is amazing that this is still a problem at this point!
Here’s a suggestion to solve the huge problem with bugging fighter thralls:
Give the free-ranging thralls (fighters, archers, entertainers, bearers) two item slots that are SEPARATE from their other inventory slots. These two item slots are reserved exclusively for items that will be used in the thrall’s right and left hands in battle. If a two-hand weapon is placed in one of those slots, the other will be blocked (so a thrall can’t use a two-handed weapon AND a shield).
This would, of course, only be a good idea if the thrall actually used his/her weapon in combat … which they, right now, don’t do half of the time.
The important thing here is to separate weapon slots from inventory slots on a fighter thrall.
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
Take your thrall out on and adventure
Wonder why your thrall is just standing there while you’re getting pummeled by a vast array of NPC enemies.
Take your thrall to a therapist.
Give up on your thrall, like you - if you were actually honest with yourself - would give up on your child if he/she was mentally challenged.
You’re drawing a conclusion based on the ephemeral behavior of NPC humanoid pixels. Human companions are coded to accept a weapon slot upgrade irrespective of the circumstances. For example, default fists are upgraded to charged chop attack under condition of 2H sword.
Because they are often conditionally bugged during times of aggro weapon swapping – 1H vs 2H – for more than six months, I can assert this is a problem that should not proceed to the next NPC branch. IOW we’re awaiting the overhaul.
Knowing this exists (for quite some time) we generated a list of workarounds until a permanent solution was implemented. What works for me (and I have one thrall in time-out now) is detailed here.
Experienced the same bug in the past, that’s why I always swap weapons when still in base.
Also learned the hard way, when using the thrall as pack mule, not to ‘store’ fire or gas orbs there.
As a side note:
Today my thrall showed some even weirder behaviour.
During a purge of the Cimmerian beast-tamers, my T4 (only one weapon in inventory) fought the first waves as usual, but when the final wave came in, he decided it would be much more fun to fight the White Dragon with bare Hands.
Fortunately my base guards refrained from showing the same sportsmanship