I am sorry but this new update that lets your thralls walk freely from bench to bench like that i HATE so much please give us options to turn it off for players not only for servers and im not talking about single player im talking about multiplayer on someones server i hate my thralls walking off like that ill break bond and stop playing or go with out thralls instead of this crap
You have checked the crafting stations you placed the crafter thrall at? Doesn’t that thrall appear in the new boxes at the top? Though they ‘walk away’ and do stuff, they are still connected to the crafting station and can still do their jobs.
Have you checked that functionailty yet?
Guessing you are playing Solo/Official and without Mods?
Is there an option in settings?
No. I have 3 blacksmiths, blacksmith bench shows none. The system is bugged.
I have a cook on my alchemist bench list.
Cook is correct, always could use a cook there.
But your Blacksmiths not showing up is new… Wasn’t like that in the version we tested.
Just been testing, though on modded server so it don’t count.
I place the crafter (Armourer) down and then drag it to the green highlighter. The thrall then stands there and works. The crafting station shows no crafter working - nothing showing in the usual crafter slot.
Will test on another server and see whether the crafting accelerates and shows the correct bonuses with the placed thrall.
Depending on that, will create some new craft stations and try a thrall there for any differences.
They need to turn off this settlement mode for now its too bugged and missing thralls
It whould be nice to know if their going to do a rollback? Nobody wants to play all weekend then thease fools do a rollback monday!
Let me assure you, there will be no roll back.
It took an over whelming percent of the player base losing all their thralls to get them to roll back the once they did it.
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