While playing Conan Exiles(Xbox - server 2725) we were out with our thralls, trying to capture some new “volunteers” . We were all talking (complaining) about needing to take the weapons off the thralls to give them truncheons, and forgetting to do so there-by totally annihilating the ones you are trying to capture.
It got me thinking of the thrall wheel and the part where you set them up for, defend me, attack all etc. Would it be feasible to add another option called subdue, you set them to that and they default to the truncheon, no matter what else is in their backpack. If they don’t have a truncheon they would default to unarmed battle. If they are on any other form of fighting, they would absolutely refuse to touch the truncheon. I keep telling them that they cant subdue the giant scorpion, they are not listening!
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Yeah I like that idea. Nice thought.
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I would prefer if Funcom would add a bow with ridiculous concusive damage that would knock thralls in one-shot, called The Tranquilizer.
Adding tranquilising arrows/darts would be even better.
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I like the darts idea, that would seem fitting for the Dafari to use, and something the we Exiles could learn as a recipe! Great idea!
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