My base, between ice and volcano, have an army of thralls. But two of them have disappeared between the ground of black-ice foundations after choose the protect option.
I noticed, for a half of a second, that he looked like been sinking on the ground and then gone.
I’ve tried to break those foundations, but they weren’t there anymore.
I’ve tried to find them at there last locations, but they weren’t there;
I tried to check at registers, but was empty, as they may still be alive… Where?
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.Build a floor of black-ice foundations near a volcano mountain;
2.Make a thrall to follow you;
3.Put your thrall to protect on that foundations near the mountain.
Event log has been working fine, as usual. But, there aren’t anything about those missing thralls.
It’s like they are still alive, but invisible or at some place I couldn’t find them yet
Can confirm the same happening to some thralls on PC (PVE official). Thralls disappear into the ground/foundations - they are not gone/still alive and I can see the hands from e.g. an entertainer popping out of the ground once in a while but can’t select the thrall without destroying the foundation. Thrall has not readjusted itself on the floor for at least 2 weeks.