Thralls dont attack when I give them the command to


Game mode: Online official server
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: Pve-c
Region: EU
Map: exile land

the command to “attack” someone isnt working for me like before, when I tell my thrall to attack any target, she will just stand and watch it, and never goes to attack.
she will only start attacking when I get dmg from that target, becouse of their “guard me” option. (she set on guard me option)

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. go to red mother boss
  2. press E on the target (red mother) and watch my thrall stading in place and dont go to attack her
  3. start attacking red mother and at first hit i recive from her, my thrall finaly starts attacking her no metter how many times i pressed E before.

anyone else have this problem or its just me?

I have this issue with lots of large mobs. Another way to get them to attack is to have them move close while on Attack Everything and an attack range of 15. If they get within 15 they will move to attack then. Same thing with elephants, dragons, the mushroom statue boss, basically anything large they don’t seem to want to attack.

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Big boss creatures mostly, but not only.
Got also this behavior with normal mobs, and i had to take damage frist for my thralls to engage combat.
Even my mostly strictly agressive wight seems have some memory breaks by moment.

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