Thralls falling through floor, post 27/04

I have found that the thralls that disappear while I am dragging them, do so when there is a terrain change like down a slope and especially when approaching a stream.

ive found two workarounds for this outside of spawning in mobs,

  1. build wheels of pain nearby thrall camps,
  2. walk backwards with a shield equipped making the hostile npcs follow you till your almost ontop of your wheel of pain then knock em out

either way this bug has been in the game since it first came out how many years will it take them to finally figure out how to fix it?

Not denying that you experienced this before, but I had not had this issue prior to the patch on the 27th.

haha yea theres been problems with thralls falling through the map, getting knocked under the map, and disappearing whenever ye put em in wheels of pain. all these problems seem to get fixed then come back later on in a new patch
 ive lost count of how many times ive read the patch notes saying they fixed thralls falling through the map or dissappearing so far 

SP/PC: There is another topic “Thralls disappear while being dragged” on this. I had it happen at least 8 times and even spawned wheel REALLY close to camps (2) to test and they still disappear! This didn’t happen a couple weeks ago at the Pirate Ship.

Also my dancer is invisible at my base. I can hear her dancing and moving around and she does her magic but can’t see her!

Except this one is the first one on this topic. I know, I checked :slight_smile: . Then a few hours later we started having more, while this one was still on page 1. People not only do not search threads, they don’t even bother to do a Ctrl-F on page 1. But in any case, the more threads, the more pressing the issue will be to the devs I think. I’m still not sure what way is better to emphasize an issue to the devs, 1 thread with 200 posts or 20 threads with 10 posts :).

It depends on what you mean by “really close”. Apparently i works on a cell by cell basis. From the looks of it you cannot drag after the 27/04 patch a thrall away from the cell it has been knocked down in, regardless of the distance to the actual wheel of pain.

About the screenshot I have posted above with the Pirate Ship, here is the map:

I’ve been hitting Voyager’s Vigil and the surrounding camps pretty hard these days. “Me” indicates the location of the Wheel of pain I’ve created by the camp, in the screenshot from the post above. With the wheel at this location, any thrall knocked in that camp, up to the northern bridge to the ship, can be dragged to the wheel. If I drag a thrall knocked down on the bridge itself, it will drown in the sand halfway though the Voyager’s Vigil camp. Not when exiting the bridge, not when nearing the wheel, but halfway through. So it looks like “cell border + a few tens of meters either way”.

Also, my base with the main wheel is by the “bed” marker to the west of the map screenshot. The “Passage” marker is at a small doorway-sized arch in the mountain I can use to move between the plain with the Black Hand camps and the little valley I put my base in. When coming back to base, this arch is the exact spot when I hear all the ding-ding-dings from deferred exp I am getting for all the crafting that my crafting stations had finished during my absence. This is also exactly the place where I lose my dragged thralls. Compare the distance between the northern bridge to the ship and my “Me” wheel, and the one between Voyager’s Vigil and the “Passage” marker.

So it’s not distance based imho, you were just unlucky to have placed a wheel a tiny bit off the cell of the camp you wanted to farm.

Not only the thralls at my base have been falling into the foundation when I log in I have to either climb out or remove foundation pieces to climb out. Spent a hour dismantling my basses foundation just to find my thrall tonight. It looks like it has been a issue for a while? I think DLC’s might sell better if game worked better?

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