Thralls not following properly on ps5

ive lost 3 thralls there following and then they dont come , i check there statuys and theve gone back to guarding

then when i check status in event log says theve returned home no sign of them

never happend on vanilla map but then i was on ps4

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I’ve also lost a total of 3 now. Same situation. Super frustrating I feel your pain.

Hello everyone and thank you for reporting this to us.

Can you please let us know if you’ve encountered this issue on our official servers, a private server or in single-player mode?

Also please remember that we are always working on improving Conan Exiles so please keep an eye out on our future game updates.


Just broken thrall all around honestly. This is the worst. They stand there & do nothing even when commanded. They freeze, get stuck, disappear. Shows them on the map but they are not there. Or disappearing right before your eyes. Sometimes even disappearing altogether off the follower list without having died or getting a notice of their death. Ive lost so many hours of levelling & I’ve lost their armor & weapons that I also grinded hours for.

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