Thralls/ NPC's going through doors

We really need to bring to attention the bug that has been going on forever with the thralls and npcs just walking through closed doors, I have had rocknoses walk through compound doors and kill things and I have had thralls on guard run out from my bases phase through my close doors and kill enemies. sometimes its hilarious and sometimes its not. Ya’ll should take a look at their coding and figure out whats going on npcs/thralls just go wherever they want and it needs to be reigned in.

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Really? I had a base, used the Khitan pieces and you just couldn’t even get the thralls to walk through the door frames even without a door in it. Weird.

I’ve noticed when their following you they seem to follow the laws of physics more ( except the teleporting part) but when there on guard they just do what they want.

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Maybe the devs just experimenting with new script for thrall behavior :man_shrugging:

lol i wish its been around fir a few months unfortunately

Sounds like a lag issue, I have a base near the King Rhino with a dozen thralls inside, and everytime he comes near the base, they go into rage mode, but not ONE has ever warped thru a wall or door.

I have to sneak in thru a back door sometimes and shut it quickly so they do not all run out.


I haven’t really seen an issue with thralls walking through doors. However I have seen a huge issue with NPC walking through doors / walls / foundations. Specifically the shalebacks. I even reported while 3.0 was still on testlive but I see it now that it is live as well. They just completely ignore your walls / doors / foundations and walk right through them like they weren’t there. Grown adult shalebacks, little baby shalebacks, it doesn’t matter they all do it. I have not see anything else such as Hyenas or Leopards do this though or human NPC’s do this though.

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For me it’s wild boars.
I build my hut near a group of them and sometimes when i’m busy inside, they notice me with their keen senses and all of a sudden 4 boars are intruding my bedroom and demanding violent petting.

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True! I fix balconies for this reason so I can jump down and thralls won’t follow. But the following thralls will pass everything some times, not always, especially the times that you really need them they accidentally cannot come and help :wink:, but when everything is peaceful, they will warp in :rofl:.
Maybe I am a bad boss after all and they want me dead, I don’t know, I cannot count how many times they came to the end of the fight and stand on top of my kill like they did it :person_facepalming:t3:, omg sometimes they are so annoying :rage:, or maybe I am getting old and become weird, who knows.


I’m on the same server, and since I came back to it and built my base in my usual spot, I’ve been having constant problems with scorpions appearing inside my courtyard or even inside my outer towers, instead of staying outside the walls where they belong.

The only thing I did differently this time around was to reduce the cost of building my courtyard by using a mix of foundations and ceilings instead of pure foundations.

It could be server lag, though. The server keep metaphorically soiling its proverbial bed every time there are more than 20 players on.

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You noticed that also? Also have you been to the mounds lately? Hugely overbuilt. And I just noticed a highway going up the cliff near my base, I guess some people will never learn.
I personally have never reported anyone, but it gets annoying, to say the least.


Yeah, if there’s 30 players or more, say goodbye to AI, and start counting down towards a server crash.

I’ll see your Mounds (boy, that came out wrong) and raise you Dagon’s Eye. Not only hugely overbuilt, but with massive bridge to boot.

I’ve only done it once, because someone built on top of a T3+ armorer spawn. I’m making my best effort to keep myself from doing it again, but I don’t know for how long. Some of that stuff really has to go, and not just for the sake of performance. It really should be a no-brainer to NOT pave over Relic Hunter NPCs, but some people didn’t get the memo.

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I never done it but I am about to start, enough is enough! These crushes are both gamers and servers fault. I cannot do anything about the servers, Funcom must, but if my conversations won’t work, I see no other way.

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I had many reasons and opportunities to report people, but I just cannot bring myself to do it. I always assume they just do not know any better, and I personally would feel really bad if I was the cause of their base loss.

It is very obvious though, that people do not actually know or have ever read the TOS.
I can relate since Being fairly new to gaming, I had no idea what a TOS was a few years ago.


While I do sympathize, I can’t help being exasperated. The link to the rules is now displayed in the MOTD every time we log in. At some point, you have to wonder where to draw the line and let the players shoulder their part of the responsibility.

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Its like user agreements for pc, not many people read the whole thing and or understand the whole thing… but i can say personally in my spot on siptah i have npcs waltzing through my doors(plural) as in 2 gates and a few doorways was the farthest ive found one yet

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More or less the same here. I normally change server than stay there and engage in situations like it. Ofcurce I send messages to start creating conversations, I make gifts, whatever I can until I will bring this communication effort to the point of understanding the situation!
The most times I end up in a void so I just leave the server.
But again, now everywhere I go on officials it’s the same…
I am sick and tired to crush, spawn here and there naked and go retrieve my loot :confused:.
And again…and again…
This is no game JJ.
The only good part?
Yesterday I took my first flight :grin:.


They still have not fixed PS4 issues?

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I dunno… I think pretty much everything everyone has mentioned in this thread so far is a feature.

  • Enemies appearing inside your court? That was FC’s fix or partial fix for people building on their spawn points.
  • Followers teleporting through doors? FC’s fix against people who are too rude to hold the door for their thralls to pass through.
  • Owned thralls teleporting in and out of the base in certain conditions? FC’s partial solution for base defense during a purge in cases where purge enemies get in somehow or another.


I think the current behaviors in these specific regards are better now that ever. In the OP’s case for example just setting a lower distance for Attack and Chase will solve it - and if not then you built too close to the spawn point - so now you have to deal with it - or set them to not attack.