Thralls stopped taking food from pot

Greetings everyone :slight_smile:

as the title says my thralls stopped taking food from the pot for some reason. Same goes for pets and undead with the feed box. They used to eat from the pot when they had missing health or simply at regular intervals. Now they only seem to eat if one places food in their inventory.

I don’t use any mods on my private server and also made a fresh single player savegame for some testing. After multiple tests it looks like the same issue also occurs in single player on the exiled lands but not on siptah for some reason. I tested it with food specific config settings and also with different types of preferred and not preferred foods.

At this point I’m not sure it this is a bug, a missed patch note, or something that has been intended by the devs…

Did anyone experienced similar issues?
How can one make the pot/feeding box work propperly again?

Thanks in advance


Strange, the exact opposite happens with me:
I always dump the excess honey in there, and even if my slaves have full HP, they have 30-40 in their inventory. And they prefer honey over 90% of the foods (even some of the ones that is displayed in their diet section).

Honey decays over time, just like other foods. Maybe they are rotting, instead of being eaten. :thinking:

This happens on official too. I have put a lot of gruel in thrall pot, had a purge do lots of damage to thralls, and they don’t eat the gruel from the pot (yes, they are in range of the thrall pot).

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