Time afther death without loding Screen 26 Sec

If i death in PvP or PVE i have a cooldown to resporn 26 sec. All other Players be faster then me. How can i fix it. Thank you.

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Is your character old?

I noticed all my characters that were created long time ago respawning almost 30 seconds regardless cause of dead.
New characters works fine 6 seconds or so…

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No i play the Server 14 days and i start with lvl 1

I had same in single player. Recreate character fixed it. But I dont want to do that on official servers

How much PC ram?
How much GPU ram?

Mine on xbox series x

PS5 Original

I cant make a new Charakter. I have so many Rezepts… 1000 teeth… purge Rezepts. No pls no.

PC guy.

Ya know 7D2D has done the cross platform thing?
They recommend a PC be the host because of memory restrictions of the Xbox and PS.

I play on a officel server. I cant host the server.

No one can help me to fix it?

From my research and attempts to recreate this problem, I have never been able to determine the cause.

But, if you are experiencing this, port out to Bridge of the Betrayer or Temple of Frost and let your character die to frostbite. Sometimes this helps clear whatever state your character is in from dying by yourself, the elements or height. It will probably come back eventually but it has worked in the past to clear it for me.

Let me know if this workaround helps.

It doesn’t work.


Ok, if you’re up to it, can you try other deathly status effects? Like bleed and poison?

At least to rule them out as possible workarounds.

I try overheating, burning lava, frozen and very cold. Also i try blood from a ather player.

I live with the long cooldown i think. :sleepy:
I mean its a survivel game. :rofl:

Ya I am sorry, it looks like it is worse :frowning:

Perhaps editing this bug report with a filled in template might assist the CE staff in narrowing it down.

I try it.

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