To all private servers - An alle privaten Server

Please put up living settlements.
I want to see my workers in the workshops and not in a bed somewhere.
Thanks and greetings

Bitte stellt lebendige Siedlungen aus.
Ich möchte meine Arbeiter an den Werkstätten sehen und nicht irgendwo in einem Bett.
Danke und Gruß

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Wrong forum buddy

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I am consistently amazed at the number of people playing Conan Exiles that post here … that don’t seem to know the name of the game they’re playing.

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The reason many private servers have disabled Living Settlements is due to several serious bugs not limited to: dying worker/crafter thralls, thralls opening doors for enemies, bunching up at one station such as the thrall pot, getting stuck inside building pieces and interfering with some mods.

You have options luckily :slight_smile:

In singleplayer, co-op or your own private server you may enable Living Settlements in the options.

Find a private server that has it enabled.

Or visit an Official server, since those all have Living Settlements enabled.

Hey!!! Many private servers DONT disabled Living Setlements!!!

They don’t?

I’m sorry did I misunderstand you? Do you want them off or on?

According to what I’ve heard and seen, many have disabled them.

Wrong translation. It should read:
“Please TURN OFF living settlements”.
The OP’s nativ language is german, I guess. :wink:

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