Touble finding an Alchemist

Seems like all of the normal areas I used to haunt to get an Alchemist only has Sorcerers. Anyone have spot they have been going to since sorcery entered the game?

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Place of summoning is a good place for a T4 Alchemist.

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Like @KariyamaKiyoschi said, witch doctor spawns in the summoning place.
Then Multigun and Jim spawns in sinners refuge. Very easy alchemists!
Yet many camps spawn alchemists, Sepermeru has multiple spawns, Volcano in the noxious garden, mount of the dead, pagoda, Buccaneers bay, new Asgard, etc…
If you need a fast tier 3 go to Buccaneers bay and buy some of them, they cost only 50 gold and you have a good potential to gain a named one as well, good luck.

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