Transfers put on hold

I do have a question actually. I was unable to import my character to my server my clan is on but a ton of other servers gave me that option. But my clans server said cannot import incompatible with this servers pvp settings. Why is it saying that when I’m a PVE player and these are PVE servers? Also is this the wrong thread for me to be commenting on cause if so where should I be commenting cause I noticed you deleted my comments to firecrow mentioning the cannot import due to pvp incompatibilities. Zendesk has been silent on the issue once I told them it wasn’t working for my server. I’ve been playing conan for years I’m just new to the forums but I don’t wanna step on anybodys toes, I just want six months of my life back lol. I can show the image of the game saying incompatible with servers pvp settings if that’ll help?

Please be patient with the team. They will get back to you as soon as possible.

Again, if you are experiencing any issues feel free to reach out to the team and they will be able to help you out further.


I believe Dana is a lady.
I would like to inform you that this admin is admirable and extremely kind to all of us. Ofcurce this admin does not need our “protection” especially mine, but I find this expression really wrong, no matter your issues, when it comes to this person, it is just unfair to my eyes and to almost everyone else here. Please do the effort to remove your post if you are kind enough to do so. Thank you.


fineeee u win!!!

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Yeah tell me about it…I wanted Vagabond recipe for EL (Best armor out there for scouting) but RNG gods don’t like me.

This word. I’m not familiar with this. Tell me what it means…now :wink:

That’s OK my staff doesn’t like my jokes like this either…but that’s usually because I always cut their clearly padded ETA’s on projects to something more…palateable.

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No, you did.
Thank you deeply, you have my respect. What I really win is to have the pleasure to speak with a gentleman. Very pleased to meet you fellow exile, I hope in the future I will have a chance to assist you here the best I can.
Thank you very much.

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:slight_smile: im a nice person, i just hate getting banned for silly things in this game. like i enjoy playing it but like i feel like they really need to work on how they ban players idk.


They are working it, trust me. It’s correct to share your frustration about it, it’s normal reaction. Official servers however have new rules that you might didn’t knew. Do your self a favor and give some time reading them. I will summon @CodeMage, beg him to link the post of @Umborls stating what is building violation now in official servers. Read carefully and try to avoid these building ways for now. Do know that you are banned because someone else reported you or else you wouldn’t. This however is a risky way to play (no one will ban me), so it would be better to follow the rules until new ones will arrive.
If you want to know why you’re banned you can always seek for ban appeal from Zendesk. It would help I believe, yet it would be better to understand how not to build so you will afraid of nothing, no matter the reports admins won’t ban you if you don’t cross lines. Thank you for sharing :+1:t6:.

Hey, @stelagel, you forgot to drench your summoning circle in demon blood, but I’ll overlook it this time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Before I go on, I just wanna make it clear that I don’t work for Funcom, I’m not affiliated with them in any way, and I don’t have any special powers or treatment or whatever. (In other words, don’t blame me for bans or ask me to do anything about them.)

When it comes to the rules, I would recommend first actually reading them:

Yeah, I know, it’s boring to have to read all that, but that’s the foundation upon which everything else is built.

After reading that, you’ll notice that it’s not terribly specific. That’s by design, and it’s okay, but I won’t go into that discussion. Suffice it to say, people often need more details, so Funcom provided some explanations and examples:

By the way, both of those posts are pinned on the Conan Exiles forums, meaning that they always appear at the top of the forums. People skip them because they look boring, I guess? I don’t know. Don’t skip them. They’re important :wink:

Finally, there’s an additional clarification I can link here:

This is important, because some people will take the examples provided by Funcom and conclude that “you can’t have more than one base” or something like that. It’s a reasonable mistake to make, but it’s not the way things are and the above post shows the proof.

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You monster! :stuck_out_tongue:

Just out of curiosity, how often does it happen that something goes wrong and you all realize that the padding was there for that reason? :wink:


But that is the thing. If leadtime needs to be adjusted, it needs to be adjusted. Adding additional time for the what-ifs tend to 1) sets a trend to just accept issues because you still meet deadlines 2) creates an environment of distrust. Time tables should never be set by the 5% of the jobs that get issues but the 95% that are normal. By not meeting deadline in that 1:20 chance, means that the issue that stopped proper flow gets the attention it deserves and therefore a fix is required and stakeholders demand it. Of course this requires a mature work environment that isn’t blame centered but solution driven with empowered high-functioning teams that are all on the same page. This requires leadership that is 100% on board and able to set the expectations to the stakeholders (because lets be clear…blame-centered is the default of humans) .

I have found that timelines are drastically reduced when it becomes evident that leadership is actually listening and removing obstacles (be it burreacracy, new equipment or even just adding some small QoL additions (adding a $20/week/employee budgeted personalize snack pack reaps significant reward in productivity…for instance). But the largest thing that I found every employee wants and appreciates is objective standards of work and assessment. Promotions and terminations should never be a surprise to anyone working in a company. It amazes me when I state that last sentence to owners and stackholders how many jaws drop.


Yeah, that’s why people pad the times, among other things. What you describe and what you do is the way things should be, but most of the time they aren’t that way :slight_smile:

I hope you didn’t take my words as criticism, I tried to make it clear that I it was banter :smiley:

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Yep taken as much. Yeah…the hardest thing is cutlure change because…Pavlov. You spend 5 years experiencing the same thing over and over…you will fight change.

One of the things I show about culture change is the videos of abused dogs getting love the very first time…the dog is screaming at the top of its lungs because it has associated human touch with pain to such a degree that when you are showing love with petting the animal, it still thinks it’s getting abused. Of course i always have to preface the video to state that I don’t view employees as animals but just to illustrate how engrained classical conditioning is at an instinctual level.

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Come’on, we know your true identity!


Whoa! That’s beautiful! Also, that name is awesome. I picked “CodeMage” when I was a teenager, when I thought it would be cool, and by the time I was old enough to realize that it’s a bit cringy, I was as used to that alias as I am to my own name. :laughing:

I’m off to look up what “Codemancer” is and where that logo is from.


OK that’s cool. I tried to get my kids into basic programming with Scratch but they were never into it…and they hated math so I just stopped pushing it on them.


Yeah, I chose Tesselator in like, '82 - when BBS’s were dialup. I added the Tele to distinguish phone use from PCs.


Oh, man. I used to have a BBS. It was only up at night, because we only had one phone line. Now you made me remember all that stuff, Remote Access, Terminate, TradeWars 2002…


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Hehe, yeah some of that stuff is still happening… Eagle-Soft Inc. (ESI) is here for example: