Game mode: [Online Official] Type of issue: [Bug] Server type: [PvE] Region: [US]
I’m pretty sure this is an old issue and from what I understand doesn’t affect everyone.
I’ve built 5 trebuchets and they’ve all disappeared. I sometimes get a note in the event log that ruin system destroys the siege foundation the last time it happened I didn’t.
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
build a complete trebuchet on a tier 3 foundation.
check it with your hammer the decay timer matches the rest of your fort
log back in after a day or two and notice the trebuchet is gone.
We recently discovered a bug related to placeables and decay that may be the source of this issue.
If you put down a placeable and then place building pieces around it, the building piece keeps its old decay score, separate from the structure around it. In other words, if a placeable has 1 hour left on the decay timer when you create it, it will still just have 1 hour left on the decay timer even after you’ve built something around it.
If the structure is made first, the placeable will have the correct time on the decay timer.
From my end it’s not correct i placed the Trebuchet on a part were wasn’t build yet and it happend to me twice.
And sometimes when i came online normally the timer says 144 hours but sometimes when i come online it was 90 hours yet the whole base said 144 hours. Then also when i pulled the repair hammer nothing was showing it was damaged of an attack but sometimes when i came online it highlighted 100/10.000 but i couldn’t repair it and there wasn’t been an attack on my base during my absent.
From what I’ve seen there seems to be at least two different things going on with trebs. One is the decay issue. Sometimes they decay when they shouldn’t and this shows up in the Event log. I’ve been avoiding this by actually running up to every treb each day and accessing their inventories. At least that seems to be working as none have decayed since I started doing so. Also after every patch any treb not directly on the ground or foundations that are directly on the ground will poof. Lost three on an official server with the last hotfix. As a bonus at times I see the siege foundations at 100 hp’s for no reason but this may just be a visual bug as they can’t be repaired.
Oddly enough I have a number of trebs on a private server that are not on the ground or foundations directly connected to the ground that do not poof on patches. Decay is turned off on said server however so all of these issues may be tied to the decay system.
Similar, yet different bug I noticed during the Call to Arms: Pets event. I placed a trebuchet near a giant structure that was blocking passage into the North (thanks Cacu for destroying it), and when I plopped it down, the trebuchet base disappeared instantly. It was not on a foundation, just sand, and fairly close to the other clans property (in case that helps). Nothing on the event log, just 1 less item from my inventory and nothing to show for it.